Final Project Overview
During my Global Option course, I had the opportunity to create a Pecha Kucha style presentation. This gave me the opportunity to showcase a selection of my photos of animals from Nicaragua, South Africa, Europe, and the United States. I also had the opportunity to showcase a subset of information about animal welfare in these countries and how animal welfare is viewed around the world.
Pecha Kucha: Animal Welfare Around the World
Final Project Reflection
Animal welfare is a hot topic in the animal science industry. Not only do we concern ourselves with the welfare of companion animals like dogs and cats, but with livestock species and exotic animals. My final project was to reflect on my international experiences and compare and contrast the perspectives on animal welfare while incorporating new information from research on the subject. I discovered in my search for answers about who is advocating for animal welfare in these countries is that there are animal welfare groups in the countries I have been to. I also discovered that overall there has not been much research done on animal welfare. Nicaragua and South Africa have a very limited amount of data available on animal welfare. After traveling to these countries I have discovered that knowledge is key. When people have an understanding that animal welfare can effect production, they will be more willing to have higher welfare standards. The knowledge that different cultures have different perspectives on an animals purpose in life can have an immense impact on animal welfare.
Global Option Final Reflection/Accomplishments
This final project gave me the opportunity to sit down and really reflect on why and how these perspectives on animal welfare are different around the world and how that can effect what a suitable solution is to improving animal welfare in a particular country. I have learned from the Global Option Capstone Course how I can apply the information I have gathered from traveling to these countries to my future career and how to properly showcase these experiences to my future employers. I have accomplished my goals stated in the beginning of this course and I am glad I had the opportunity to learn more from my international experiences. I hope that others reading along with this journey have gathered insight into these countries even though they may not had the opportunity to travel to these countries. I look forward to other opportunities to analyze my experiences and to compare and contrast other aspects of my experiences. With the information I learned from this class, it will be easy to accomplish this in the future.