Module 6 post

During this week, i learned how to use google scholar and i find that it is very useful for my academic writing. And i summarized three aspects of google scholar in my opinion

Google scholar is very inclusive. It finds various types of academic works and index materials from academic journals, books, conference proceedings, preprint servers. For many disciplines, books and peer-reviewed collections are as valuable and influential as journal publications. But web of science, PubMed and other websites only focus on journal retrieval, so many people who are interested in discovering publications and citation counts prefer to use google scholar.

Google Scholar’s citation analysis is automated. The citation of works can be updated continuously. Even for obscure academic websites, using Google index will make it easier to track and record the influence of academic works. You can even ask scholar to send you an email when your work is up to date. You don’t need to pick them up manually. Problematic measures such as impact factors have no effect: only the citation determines the order of the paper list, which is pure and simple.

Personal homepage made by scholars. Normal people don’t bother to figure out who hundreds of Smith scholars are, and they don’t want to sort out papers that don’t have authors, titles or journal names. One of the Google Scholar team has come up with a very clever idea that allows people who are at stake to do it themselves: individual scholars who want to make sure that their contributions are presented correctly and comprehensively. Therefore, although the references are generated automatically, the publication list on Google Scholar’s personal interface may at least be manually added by the home page.

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