Module 6: Searching and Researching

Hey everyone welcome back once again. We are yet another week closer to the end of the semester. A lot of exciting things to look forward to in terms of playing Penn State in football this week and Thanksgiving break next week. Anyway, I hope everyone found this module as useful as I did. The most useful thing I learned this week was the difference between research and search. Slide 10 does a great job explaining this difference and goes on to mention that research requires a critical look at the quality of the information you are finding rather than simply finding information that fits a particular topic. In then goes on to describe how the research process is more in depth than simply searching. I have seen this pay off in my own life as well. Taking the time to carefully conduct meaningful research will separate yourself from other students whether it be in an interview or even a paper for a class. I had a group interview (with the employer and other potential candidates) this past semester and prior to the interview I did a lot of in depth research about the company. The questions I was asking the employer were much more intellectual than the questions of my peers and as a result I stood out in a positive way. I definitely will continue to practice proper research techniques and advise students to take the time to do the necessary research throughout their academic and professional careers because it will go a long way. Thanks again for reading, I hope it wasn’t so bad and I’ll see you next week.

Module 5: Educational Videos

Hey everyone, welcome back. I hope everyone enjoyed their week and learned something new. We are slowly approaching the end of the semester so hang in there, you’re almost there! The most useful thing I learned in this module is the information I gained regarding typing notes in school. It is much easier to type notes and requires less effort but in this module I learned that it might not be beneficial towards my success in school. According to slide 8, when typing notes you lack deep processing and it becomes harder to retain the information that you are typing in your memory. Additionally this slide goes on too point out that you are more prone to distractions when using your laptop. This is an idea that was bought up in previous modules and college students especially tend to be distracted very easily by technology. During my internship over the summer I noticed that all the employees during meetings would take handwritten notes as opposed to typing their notes. When I asked them why, their answer was very similar to the information on slide 8/9. Note taking techniques do depend on what you are taking notes for but writing your notes definitely helps you remember the information better. That is why if possible I would recommend hand writing your notes when ever you can. It makes studying easier and it helps student avoid writing down information that isn’t important. I will also try and hand write more of my notes in the future. Thanks again for reading this week and good luck the rest of the semester.

Module 4: Web-Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies

Welcome back everyone! After Module 4 I once again gained very valuable information about how to enhance my habits at school. The most relevant thing I learned from module 4 is about the concept of multitasking. I constantly multitask because I think it it saves me time but in reality it causes me to focus less on assignments that most likely require more attention than I give them. According to slide 17, when multitasking you struggle to differentiate from irrelevant from relevant information, get easily distracted, struggle to regain focus, and fail to remember important information. I have definitely fell victim to attempting to multitask and not fully been engaged in assignments that have required more of my attentions. If I were to better plan out my weeks, which we discussed in the previous modules I would have been able to better preventĀ  my multitasking multiple assignments. As a freshman in college I thought I would be able to multitask because that is what I did in high school and was able to get away with it. After freshman year classes became harder and I quickly learned that multitasking was not the most efficient way to get work done. I would advise incoming freshman and current students to try and stay away from multitasking because it does prevent a student from fully engaging in a specific assignment. I hope you enjoyed my blog this week. I look forward to discussing next weeks ideas with you!

Module 3: Efficiency in the Digital Age

Hey everyone! Welcome back! Hopefully everyone enjoyed their week and learned a lot. Once again I was able to take away a lot of valuable tips in this weeks lesson, efficiency in the digital age. The most important thing I learned was how to use technology to help me effectively manage my time. I struggle with procrastination as do most students and this weeks lesson provided a lot of useful information that I could benefit from in the future. Slide 13 talks about the benefits of using an online calendar. It goes on to point out that using a calendar helps students visualize commitments, identify free time and block off time for certain tasks. I think using an online calendar will especially help me with the topic discussed on slide 14 of breaking down large tasks. If I plan accordingly and plan out large tasks over time on my calendar, this will help prevent both procrastination and feeling overwhelmed by larger assignments. I am confident this will be useful to my education because over the summer I used an online calendar to plan out my days. I would plan out my days and make time for my two jobs, the gym, friends family, etc. and I found it extremely helpful even when unexpected things came up because at the very least I was aware of everything I needed to get done. That is why I will begin to incorporate this strategy into my school life. Additionally, I would recommend not only using an online calendar but to schedule in free time or breaks throughout the day. This will help students limit using their phone while they are doing work because they will be aware of time in which they are supposed to be doing work or relaxing/using their phones. This is a problem I face when I do work and I anticipate scheduling breaks into my daily routine will help limit distractions. Thanks again for reading and I will see you all next week.

Intended Audience: Students