
Premiere Packaging…

  • In your Premiere document:
  • File > Project Manager…
  • Below are some suggested settings.  Be sure to chose your ‘Destination Path’ as your studio folder.







This should copy all videos and related files into a single folder

InDesign Packaging
– In your open InDesign document:
– Click FILE, Package, Package
**Make sure you have no missing links. If you have missing links, follow instructions below.
– Skip the next step (no need to add any info in this window) by clicking Continue
– Click Save, name your folder: Project name, student last names, anything else after is fine.
– Don’t worry about the restrictions, click OK
– Open the folder to open the document and make sure it looks as it should.

Final projects specs:

Save your final project with your name AND project name.

Final projects due 11.59 pm Sun Apr 22 to Arch/Larch 5798 Malmstrom/Moore folder on the Knowlton T drive. Final presentations will be Mon Apr 23 in class 9.30-12.

The purpose of the final analysis project is to take one smaller aspect of the city and look, compare and analyze it closely, and will finalize in the InDesign final template digital format. There are possibilities for alternative formats, to be approved by Troy and Aimee. The presentation should share your insights and discoveries of an expanded understanding from the London study abroad experience.

Requirements:  Each presentation must have:

  1. A minimum requirement of 10 images, which can be sketches or photos, each one must have a caption or label. A requirement of 1 sketch at a minimum within the minimum 10 images required.
  2. Text to explain the analysis of the topic, including titles, and captions. Text must include no hyphens and be used to describe the project and analysis.
  3. Student’s first and last name in the design of the layout
  4. title of project
  5. sources cited (add noted: all photos not cited are student’s and add your name)

optional: video or audio

due  Mon Apr 9:

  1. London sketchbooks due for grading
  2. Final travel documentation due including minimum 10 photos and your best (minimum) 5 sketches. Label the media with your first and last name AND location as the file name. Images are required to be scanned at jpgs or tifs at a minimum 150 dpi (dots per inch) and uploaded individually as jpgs or tifs (NOT compiled in a Word file). A PICTURE of your sketch is not a scan, let us know if you need help with scanning. Upload these to the Knowlton Studio (T) drive/Arch-Larch-5798 Malmstrom & Moore folder, accessible only from Knowlton computers (I believe so, let me know if not)

due  Mon Apr 2, meet in KN430 computer lab

Be thinking about your final project for the course and gathering your documentation if needed. We will start working on final projects Mon Apr 2 in class in the KN448 computer lab, so be ready for a discussion and/or work time in the lab when Troy and I are available in the lab.

Since I forgot to confirm sketchbook due dates on Thursday, I will make Mon Apr 9 sketchbook  AND Final documentation due date, see specs above. There are scanners in KN448 computer lab that are ideal for scanning sketches.

due  Thurs Mar 29 :

Reading: Staged Authenticy_Dean McCannell_from The Tourist to be discussed Mar 29 in class. For consideration, experiences you had in London relating to the zones of touristic experiences discussed in the reading.

Due Mon Mar 26 in class

minimum one page typed (thoughtful) Personal Reflection Statement of your experiences in London. Thoughts for consideration: How did the trip surprise you in a way you were not expecting? How was this trip meaningful for you? How did it expand you personally, intellectually, socially?

Due Sun Mar 25 noon

final post trip blog, (public) reflection upon your travels

Below are assignments due in London:


6 in country blog posts for complete credit: all correctly tagged, titled, with choice of 4 A or B and 2 C

A: 200 word post, any response you like (I’ll post some ideas for prompts) with minimum 3 pictures total with captions in any of these 5 posts OR

B: sketch post with minimum one clear sketch labeled with a caption and 100 word description of your goals, analysis, interpretations of the sketch


C. Two 100 word response posts to any other classmates post.   These are in an effort to have a conversation within the blog, not just output of content

Sketches in London:

reminder, if you have a 5×8 sketchbook,, a sketch means a double page layout. Otherwise if you have a 8×10 sketchbook, sketch is only one page

3.10.18  2 sketches at St Paul’s Cathedral

3.11.18  Full double page layout for 8×10 or 4 page payout for 5x 8 sketchbooks, your experience and perceptions along the path we experienced

3.12.18 British Museum, one sketch great court, one sketch of a museum object

3.13.18 one sketch Stourhead, second sketch either Salisbury or Stoneheng

3.14.18 one sketch Kew Gardens

3.15.18 morning sketch will be considered bonus

3.16.18 one sketch Westminster Abbey, second sketch of Westminster Abbey or museum of choice


due by 8.a.m. Mon Mar 12: : Your first ‘in-country’ post is due by 8am Monday. This can be about visiting St. Paul’s, the Barbican, Museum of London, our long walking day, or any other critical content you’d like in our first couple days. A ‘post’ must be at a minimum of 200 words OR 100 words and an accompanying media piece(photo, sketch, video, etc) to be considered. Be sure to select the pre-departure ‘Category’ for each post as this will help group similar posts


PBS Super Skycrapers Building the Future show noted about the “Cheesegrater” Leadenhall skyscraper building in London. It is a pretty good show about this new building we will see in London.

For those of you interested in British authors, you may be interested in this reading: Get London Reading: London-by the book

due by 6.a.m. Fri Mar 9 : pre departure post at about your thoughts as you are getting ready to depart: A ‘post’ must be at a minimum of 200 words to be considered. Be sure to select the pre-departure ‘Category’ for each post as this will help group similar posts.

due Mon Mar 5 in class: Quiz 2, to be posted by Wed Feb 28, Aimee will print and bring to class on Thurs Mar 1

Due Thurs Mar 1, in class: Experiential map of a day in Columbus, a wayfinding map from home to school, full double layout page in your sketchbook noting your path and experiences along this common route. This is more than a map with graphics, it should include your notes and interpretations of the path you experienced.

We will also work on group expectations in class this day-

Due Mon Feb 26, in class: Personal Expectation Statement.  Minimum one page (typed) thoughtful description of your personal expectations and goals you want to achieve from this study abroad experience. Please reflect upon your priorities before writing as Troy and I will review these carefully so that we can best help you to achieve your goals. This statement can be related to excitement regarding particular sites (and tell us why), what you are considering for your free day or other aspects of the travelling experience. Also, if you have any concerns regarding this trip, feel free to articulate them as well so we can be sensitive to your needs during this experience.

sketching in class Thurs Feb 22, plan, section, elevation of 1 chair in Knowlton library AND sketch of a landscape, recommend Knowlton roof top

sketching in class Thurs Feb 15, one point Knowlton perspective, shading technique

sketching in class Thurs Feb 8, one point Knowlton perspective

Due Thurs Feb 8 in class, Quiz 1

Due Thurs Feb 1, in sketchbook in class: 

Minimum 1″ high, 8″ length of sketchbook, practice 2 shading scales in your sketchbook, one in pen, one in pencil. Shading in equal increments (meaning 50% should be about in the middle of the page) from  0% – 100% shading equally along the scale. Consider care in line quality in this assignments gaining more points and careful practice. Write the name and width/softness/hardness of tool used for each scale. Welcome to practice more than minimum 2 shading scales if desired.

Due Mon Jan 29: 

readings, see readings tab

Thurs Jan 25: London Thoughts and Impressions in class

Due Mon Jan 22:

readings (see readings tab) also guidebook and maps due Jan 22

Thurs 1.18.17 due in class:

also your sketchbook, bring this day and every class afterward

to replace class on Mon 1.15.17 

watch 2 videos,  recorded in Mediasite and will require you to login with your osu credentials to view

1.  Roman London, see readings tab (uploaded soon) for supplemental reading related to lecture, Hall_Roman London (Hall, Jenny. Roman London, London as the capital of Roman Britain pg 4-13, 18-21) and Saunders St Pauls

2. Stonehenge, see readings tab (uploaded soon) for supplemental reading related to lecture

Thurs 1.11.17 due by noon:

1) Update your Avatar on page. (users>your avatar)

2) post including:

2a. bio photo (correctly rotated), with a caption

2b. 200 words about yourself, personal biography post to London Culture and City page. Include name, major, (what you consider) your hometown, what you are most interested/excited to see in London. Categorize this post to the Bio category-

due in class 1.11.17:

course schedule conflicts for Fri Mar 9 (exams, assignments and/or classes missed) in class to Aimee