I LOVE LONDON! I thought the trip was the perfect mix of education, culture and fun. I am happy to say that I was able to see/do everything that I wanted to, and cannot believe I was able to do it in such a short amount of time. I found the educational part of the trip very interesting, not only because of the architecture, but also because I experienced and understood the spaces differently than I had when we learned about them in class. I hope that the memories I have in those spaces stay with me as I continue to learn about each site in future classes.
I thought the cultural part of the trip, tea, pubs, the tube, etc., was also extremely interesting. A few of us were lucky enough to meet some British students who we talked to about the differences in our schooling systems and vocabulary. I found their schooling sequence very fascinating, and the differences in our vocabulary and slang pretty funny. This was an interesting way to learn more about the British culture and what it means to be a British student and young adult.
Lastly, the trip was a blast! I am so happy that I was able to meet and become friends with so many other students. Before the trip, I was nervous that we would not all hangout together, but I am so happy that we were able to!