
I have to admit, I was a bit unsure about this trip before we left for London. I had never been outside of the country before, never been on a flight for more than two hours, and really only knew one person in the class. I had no idea what the dynamic of the group would be or if the time change would be hard for me. There were all kinds of things that I was worried about. I must say, though, the trip was well worth the money and time. The city was beautiful, and I absolutely loved getting to explore this new place. Even the smallest things like riding the tube were exciting to me. Everything was new and different. When you go on a trip like this, I think the people have just as much of an impact on your experience as the places you see. That being said, I really enjoyed getting to know everyone in the class and definitely made some great friends. I had heard good things about this trip from friends who have gone on it before, and (even though not everything worked out perfectly) I would recommend this trip without a doubt. London was quite the experience and one that I will not forget.

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