Jaime’s Day Eight

For our free day, Taylor, Rachel, Keith, and I went to Canterbury and Dover. We rode a high speed train to get out to these locations and it was a really fun and unique experience! Unfortunately the weather here was cold, windy, and snowy today, which made it unpleasant to walk outside. However, it made for a really beautiful train ride! We stopped first in Canterbury and were hoping to get a free view of the cathedral, but unlike other cathedrals, it was very private and hidden behind shops and walls which meant there were very few good views of the structure. The views that we could see were covered in scaffolding due to restorations. Next we went to the White Cliffs of Dover. It was incredibly cold and snowy here and the view of the cliffs was very limited but it was still a unique experience! We also planned to go to the Dover castle, but it was closed due to high winds that limit the safety of people within the castle. Overall it was a fun trip with a lot of unique events, but it might have been more successful if we had gone on a day with better weather!

Cliffs of Dover

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