We went to Westminster this morning. The tour guide was very nice and introduced tons of stories behind the sculpture and history to us. The triforium of the church is divided into two parts. The part close to the west exit is very plain, while the other part is well-carved. The reason is that the architecture was built in two different times. I think it is a very interesting part of architecture that people can tell the history by the appearance of the architecture. Later on, we went to the Greenwich, and have a tour for the ceiling of the painting hall. It was extremely impressive, because people hardly have the chance to take such a close look at the painting on the ceiling.
Hi, Elena! I also enjoyed the tour of Westminster Abbey; the tour guides were great too! For whatever reason, I did not expect there to be so many people buried there, so that part surprised me. I really loved how important they made the tomb of the unknown soldier and how they use the money from selling the flowers to go toward veterans and soldiers. It was also pretty crazy to see the details in every piece of Westminster. For example, there was one room that had a white ceiling that was so intricately carved; it looked like lace. I would have loved to see the ceiling in the tour at Greenwich, but I never got to make it back out there. I’m glad you had the opportunity to see it close up!
I find it really interesting that you were able to analyze the architecture of Westminster Abbey so deeply. Personally, I loved the tour and connecting the historical significance to what I was seeing so much that I did not pay too much attention to its architecture. I think that the story as to why the building was constructed in so many different styles/time periods is so amazing. Architecture involving churches always has such a rich history, and this is extremely prevalent in Westminster Abbey. I also think it’s amazing that you were able to tour the ceiling in Greenwich. I was really disappointed that we travelled so far to not be able to see it, so I am very glad you had opportunity to see it. I would yo hear more about the art and architecture!