Taylor’s Day 5

Kew Gardens was my favorite place we went to so far on the trip. I liked seeing also the flowers and plants. The space was designed nicely, spreading the buildings out in the space to have you walk through the landscape to get to each destination. The buildings and greenhouses were also very beautiful architecturally. I have never saw a greenhouse quite like the Plam house or Princess of Wales conservatory ever before. I think that this intricate architecture helped to add a sort of whimsical element to the space that fit nicely with the landscape. The thin white structure appeared light and blended in as to not take away from the plants and nature. I think I would have spent the whole day at Kew if time allowed just so that I could see everything.

Inside the Plam House

A pathway through Kew Garden

2 thoughts on “Taylor’s Day 5

  1. Taylor,
    Kew Gardens was a wonderful place and I enjoyed it as well. After experiencing both Kew and Stourhead, I would, however, like to know why you would like one over the other? Both gardens are masterfully laid out in a completely organized manner and both have a host of buildings situated within their landscapes. The gardens are also similar in the way the buildings and landscapes address and compliment eachother. The only two major differences seem to be that; Stourhead has one path that a person must follow based on personal reflection and Kew is more open to multiple paths of scientific theory and collaboration, and Stourhead is meant to look like a wild landscape while Kew is clearly formalized. I would like to know what you think about this comparison!

  2. I’m glad you liked Kew Gardens as well! It was also one of my favorite spots we visited on our trip. As well as you, I was really fascinated by the palm house. Since I was born in a tropical country, as soon as I stepped a foot inside, it was like feeling at home. The temperature might had been a little overwhelming for some people, but for me was like the feeling of being back in my homeland and realizing how much I miss that warm summer weather. It was really nice to see how the different tropical plants create a canopy throughout the whole space. It was also really interesting to see how they incorporated the design of the small garden in front of the conservatory to blend in with the palm house, almost as an anticipation to prepare you of what you’re about to see inside the palm house. It was definitely a beautiful experience at Kew Gardens!

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