Makayla’s Day 4

We woke up extremely early to catch the bus, but it was well worth it. Heading to Stonehenge was an absolutely fantastic experience. It was incredibly surreal to see and experience such a monumental site that has survived through so much history. I find it crazy that a massive formation of rocks can be so mystifying and confusing to humans. After Stonehenge, we had some major traveling mishaps, but I did not mind since we still got to enjoy our full stay at Stourhead. This was the most exciting part of the day for me. As a Landscape Architecture major, I find it fascinating that this entire landscape was designed and constructed after a painting and to convey the story of Virgil’s Aeneid. The garden was massive and so well designed that each of its features encapsulated my attention. I loved to see the beautiful swans and ducks and how they interacted with the beautiful vegetation existent in the park. I also thoroughly enjoyed the follies and how I could see replicas of unique buildings I have not been to. The grotto was my favorite part though. I loved the darkness of the feature and how the water made it into its own room within nature. Stourhead was my favorite destination of the day, but I also thoroughly enjoyed Salisbury. It was fascinating to see such a massive cathedral with a great historical presence and witness how it has withstood over such a long time. The town of Salisbury was also very quaint and cute to stroll through and enjoy. Overall, I really enjoy the day and how the trip provided a sharp contrast to the fast paced London life and honed in the history present outside of the city.


Grotto at Stourhead

One thought on “Makayla’s Day 4

  1. Hey Makayla! I agree that there is a really unique contrast between the landscapes of Stonehenge and Stourhead in comparison to the city! I find it really interesting that the two very different areas are located in such a close proximity. I also find Stonehenge to be surreal just because it is so old. It is hard to believe that the stones have been there for so long and I find it fascinating that they are so popular, but there is still some parts of the site that are unknown. I also really enjoyed our time at Stourhead and I agree that it is really fascinating that this whole landscape was created to follow a painting and story. The darkness of the grotto was really amazing and I had not previously considered that the water connected the structure more to nature. Both the follies and the landscape are really beautiful and unique and I am also glad that we got to spend enough time here, even with the driving issues!

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