Yujia’s Day 1

What a long and exciting first day it was in the city of London. As I am sitting on my hotel bed, I finally realized how exhausted I actually am from the first day of London exploration. We did not get to the hotel until late last night, therefore, after unpacking and getting ready to get to bed, there was not much time left for me to rest for today. However, even with jetlag and less than 6 hours of sleep, I still made myself wake up and used the minimum energy I still had left to get ready to meet with the other OSU London explorers. Starting with what I presumed as a traditional English breakfast at the hotel prepared me as we start our journey at the city of London. The breakfast was delicious, but it did not energize me as I thought it would. However, that all changed as I took my first step out of the St. Giles London Hotel. Suddenly, a rush of energy took over my body as the buildings and cultures that was surrounding me amazed me. This is the London that I dreamt about and I was ready to experience the sites that had scheduled for us.

Out of the London sites we visited, I was most excited about the St. Paul’s Cathedral as I heard from many friends and classmates that London’s cathedrals are the most astonishing compared to other countries. It definitely did not disappoint as I am could not control my excitement as I admire the details within the St. Paul’s Cathedral and I am about to experience something that I used to only see in movies and television. I attempted to keep a memory of the St Paul through a sketch, so I will be able to admire as we finish this trip in the city of London.

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