Candice’s pre-departure post

Today is Wednesday and I ‘m finally done with all my other homework. I’m just about to pack for this amazing upcoming trip. I have prepared so much for it including all the architecture sites’ details, where to get food, where should we go and experience the culture, where are the amazing landscapes and etc. I believe that this trip will be even more excited than I expected and all the effort that I put in will lead to gaining new valued experiences.

At this moment, weirdly enough, I’m more anxious than just excited. I have just spoken to others for suggestions of Roman ruins in London and some other places. There are so many good sites and ruins that really gets me worrying whether I can make it to see them all. When I look at the itinerary, I just want to squeeze in more places to go in addition to all the amazing places that we have already planned. I really doubt that I’m able to see every thing since London is such a rich city. One thing that I know for sure is that as long as I value this trip and try my best to learn, everything I can or can not get to will be enough for me to digest.

Can’t wait!

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