Patrick Sardo’s Bio

Hi all! My name is Patrick, and I’m from Coventry, Connecticut, a small town not far from University of Connecticut. I’m a second year architecture student, but this is my third year at Ohio State. I am also a member of Ohio State’s Varsity Rifle Team. I started off at Ohio State hoping to be a mechanical engineering major, but that didn’t work out, so I switched to architecture, which I think is the right fit for me! Obviously I really like architecture, but my other interests include music, fashion, art, and video games.

I love to travel, but I have only ever left the US once. I went to Italy with my mom and brother over Thanksgiving 2016. We went to Florence, Rome, San Gimignano, Pisa, and Sienna. It was amazing to see architecture in person that I’ve studied so much, which is why I’m also very excited for this trip to London.

I’m most excited to really immerse myself in the city of London, and experience the cultural differences, and explore the architecture and city itself. Since I have traveled to cities like Florence and Rome, which both have such a deep and rich history in art and architecture, I know how significant London is in that respect. I’m also excited to get more experience sketching, and hope that I can hone that skill somewhat while I take this class and while I’m in London.

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