Global Engagement Night: Brazil Tuesday, September 24 6p.m.-7p.m.

This event was put on by the Office of International Affairs in Enarson, and the objective was to bring students from Brazil and students from other parts of the world together to learn about Brazilian culture.  We started the event by partnering up and learning how to samba (a traditional Brazilian dance unique to their culture), and we learned about the importance of samba in Brazil and how the aspects of samba shine through the Brazilian way of playing soccer and their carnival festival.

One of my dreams has always been to attend the carnival festival in Brazil and watch all of the dancers in their extravagant costumes.  I have been dancing since I was three years old, so dance has been a tremendous part of my life.  The way your body is able to move to music, especially during Brazilian samba amazes me.

We also learned about the geography and history of brazil and how traditions are unique to the specific regions of Brazil as well as the differences in Portuguese between Portugal and Brazil.

The global engagement night was related to international affairs because it broadened my perspective of Brazilian culture and allowed me to meet students with Brazilian heritage.  Also, as a way to immerse us even more in the Brazilian culture, besides learning the samba, there was a dessert for us to try called brigadeiro, and it was delicious.  I want to attend as many global engagement nights as possible because it was a great way to meet new people, and I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about Brazil and being exposed to another culture in such depth.

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