Cäzilia Loibl is a Professor in the Department of Human Sciences (51% appointment) and a State Extension Specialist for Family and Consumer Sciences for Ohio State University Extension (49% appointment). She joined the Department in 2005 as Assistant Professor and State Extension Specialist. Before joining Ohio State, Dr. Loibl earned a Ph.D. in Household and Nutrition Sciences at the Technische Universität München, Germany in 2002, completed postdoctoral studies at Iowa State University from 2002 to 2003, and served as a Regional Extension Specialist for University of Missouri Extension from 2003 to 2005. She holds the Certified Financial PlannerTM professional designation since 2005. She obtained tenure and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2011.

Dr. Loibl’s research aims to improve the understanding of how individuals and families make financial decisions, how behavioral biases can affect the quality of financial decisions, and to design interventions that are effective in facilitating financial decision-making. She has published 50 peer-reviewed journal articles, plus chapters in edited books, reports,  abstracts, and has been invited to present her work at seminars and conferences, including invited presentations abroad. Dr. Loibl has been awarded over $2.6m in research and training grants since promotion to Associate Professor in 2011. Funding agencies include U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Social Security Administration’s Retirement and Disability Research Consortium, University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research on behalf of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. With a two-year Marie Curie Fellowship, Dr. Loibl received a prestigious research award from the European Commission in 2014 and 2015 and led an international research study in three European countries.

As State Extension Specialist for Family and Consumer Sciences, Dr. Loibl designs, implements, and evaluates community-based financial literacy programs. She created the HUD-approved “OSU Extension Housing Counseling Services,” whose staff in 10 Ohio counties provides homebuyer education to underserved rural and urban communities in collaboration with the Ohio Housing Finance Agency. She established a 17-member AmeriCorps whose members assisted homeowners at the brink of foreclosure to obtain federal relief funds during the recent mortgage crisis. She obtained the funding for OSU Extension’s housing counseling team to provide financial coaching to patients at opioid treatment facilities on their way to recovery. Her extension programs directly inform her housing research, which has been published in the benchmark journals of her field.

Dr. Loibl’s serves as associate editor and book editor, both with decision authority, for the Journal of Economic Psychology, three editorial boards, and honorary secretary of the International Association for Research on Economic Psychology. Finally, she chaired two faculty search committees and is a member of College Council, the EHE Investigation Committee, and the Human Sciences P&T Committee.

Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=LPS9XY4AAAAJ&hl=en

Home page: https://ehe.osu.edu/directory/?id=loibl.3

Date: 2/8/2021