EcoCAR is a four year project team that competes with other schools to re-engineer different vehicles. I started on the team on the second year of the EcoCAR 4 competition(August 2019) where the objective is to reengineer a 2019 Chevrolet Blazer. The team is housed at theĀ Center for Automotive Research(CAR). Ohio State CAR research focuses on advanced electric propulsion and energy storage systems; advanced engines and alternative fuels for reduced fuel consumption and emissions.
As a part of the Propulsion Systems Integration subteam, I have been working very closely on the hands-on mechanical aspects of the car, such as replacing the engine, body work, and even the manufacturing of custom parts. Along with the hands-on work I do, we also heavily use CAD modeling and FEA simulation to ensure parts fit and the vehicle is structurally sound. I was in the process of trying out the HMI/UX design team and working on the human interface for the autonomousĀ features. Unfortunately the pandemic struck and interrupted all undergraduate student help on the team.
More information about the team can be seen here.