My childhood almost killed me. In my childhood I suffered from Brown’s disease. Eventually my peers in school taunted me about it and poked fun at me about my disease. This caused me to go into depression, one that caused me to contemplate suicide. During this hopeless and dark time I thought I was alone, helplessĀ until I received a blanket from my grandma. The blanket, at first glance, seemed like an unimportant and useless gift, but once she explained to me that it had been her grandmother’s blanket I felt otherwise. She told me that her grandma gave it to her when she was struggling just like me, and she explained that she triumphed with it. After that day every time I would look at the blanket I would think of how my grandma beat her depression and became the great person that she is today. Later, I would discover the lesson to never judge a book by its cover.