Workshop Series: Learning Lichen!

The ‘Learning Lichen’ workshop is the first one in a series of art workshops with Living Art & Ecology Lab, where our art communities are learning with lichens, observing and experiencing their symbiotic lifestyle, conceptualizing, and practicing respectful, creative activities with lichens. This first workshop includes a talk by Emeritus Professor Robert Klips, author of ‘Common Mosses, Liverworts, and Lichens of Ohio’, who will speak about lichens and share his research experience in the study of lichens and bryophyte ecology, and long-term teaching in the Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology at OSU.

The first workshop is a great opportunity to learn more about the science of lichens, such as identification, anatomy, morphology, and interactions with environment. Also, it would be a good opportunity to learn more about lichens’ symbiotic lifestyle with other organisms, including being ‘non-binary’, ‘multiple’, ‘resilient’, and ‘beyond human time’. Learning scientific backgrounds and facts will help us move to the next themes of workshop series, in which we will discuss and envision how we might better approach non-human beings, including and embracing ‘others’ as we learn from lichens.

At the beginning of the workshop, the members of ‘Lichen Research & Art Project’, Doosung Yoo and Amy Youngs will briefly introduce our collaborative work, along with undergraduate interns Anna Arbogast, Madison Blue, Xiuer Gu, Elias Marquez, and Nate Tyler. We hope to engage more artists in our projects and future workshops. Please join us!

Our Lichen Likers Instagram is linked in the poster QR code