11 thoughts on “New Role as Religion & World Affairs Blogger for the Huffington Post

  1. Dear Morgan,
    The following message was sent to the participants in my 2003 conference on “Prospects for Democracy in Central Asia”. and others However, your e-mail address was not up-to-date. Therefore, I try to get in touch with you this way. Thank you and best regards, / Birgit Schlyter.

    Dear colleagues,

    This is a circular to all of you who have participated in conferences and seminars held within the framework of the Stockholm-Istanbul Program for Central Asian and Turkic Studies (SIPCATS) and documented in first and foremost the two anthologies Prospects for Democracy in Central Asia (2005) and Historiography and Nation-Building among Turkic populations (2014).

    With this letter, I want to draw your attention to a forum for discussion that has been opened on the SIPCATS Director’s Blog under the title of ”The Central Eurasia Discourse” (www.sipcatsdirector.wordpress.com/centraleurasiadiscourse).

    The SIPCATS discussion forum is the first step in our preparations for a workshop in Istanbul to be arranged this fall or next spring.

    A great number of changes have occurred in the Central Eurasian space (including Turkey and its near abroad) during the past 10-15 years and previous research needs to be revisited. This also holds for most of the chapters published in the aforementioned anthologies. Authored by distinguished experts in their respective fields, these chapters constitute an excellent point of departure for questions as to how sociopolitical reforms have developed and what new issues have been brought out challenging analyses made a decade or just a few years ago.

    More information about the discussion forum is to be found on my blog together with the lists of contents of the two anthologies. The most recent one (Historiography …) can be viewed in its entirety on http://www.academia.edu. As to the older publication (Prospects for Democracy …), a preface with comments on the different sections and chapters of the book is available on the same website, whereas scanned copies of individual chapters can be obtained on demand.

    As you can see from the blog post, contributions to the discussion forum are to be submitted to sipcats.webmaster@srii.se. They will be posted on the blog and announced on the SIPCATS Facebook-page (www.facebook.com/sipcats).The webmaster address can also be used for whatever questions you might have in connection with this forum.

    I look forward to hearing from as many of you as possible.
    Thank you for your attention!

    Birgit N. Schlyter
    Stockholm University
    Head of Silk Road Studies
    in Memory of Gunnar Jarring at
    Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul
    Affiliated to Asian Studies Center,
    Boğaziçi University, Istanbul
    Telephone: +90-212-252 4119
    Mobile: +90-537-275 0496

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