The Ohio State University

The second issue that I want to comment on is also similar and about picture books being banned in a different country for different reasons. In this case it is about China banning international children picture books. The order has…

Reading online trying to find issues regarding children’s literature around the world, I found something that happened in Singapore in 2014 but which in my opinion may be still going on. It was a situation in which multiple libraries in…

The book I read for this assignment is The Trader Fox by Chinese author Shen Shixi. Shixi is a recognized Chinese author in the area of children’s literature, he is best known and credited for his animal novels but only…

My last blog post I talked about how extremely limited children’s books are in North Korea, and I wanted to touch on a similar arising topic that is now happening in China. As many know, China is a very large…

For my first blog post I will be writing about the literature that children were exposed to during the WWII era in Germany. I was a little unsure what to write about for this blog post, but I saw another…

For my second blog post, I wanted to look into international book awards. I discovered that most countries have their own set of awards for children’s literature, like how the United States has the John Newbery Medal. The international awards…

As I was researching events related to international children’s literature, I stumbled upon the website for International Children’s Book Day. This led me to a tab titled “Silent Books.” The International Board of Books for Young People (IBBY) started a…

Bronze and Sunflower is a children’s novel written by Cao Wenxuan. Cao Wenxuan is a Chinese writer for children and this is his first novel to be translated from Mandarin to English. The novel was translated by Helen Wang. This…

In this course, we have often discussed the disparities in representation of diverse children in the literature; however, for this blog post, I wish to discuss the disparity of illiteracy in South Africa. Literacy is the ability to read and…

I chose to focus on a specific historical event pertaining to a certain country and highlight children’s books on that event. I am studying South Africa, so the major event that comes to mind is apartheid. Apartheid was institutionalized racial…