Blog post: Lesson Plan

For my blog post, I have created a lesson plan incorporating international children literature into the classroom. I chose to find a children’s picture book that was published in Australia as well as the setting taking place there too. The purpose of my lesson plan is to provide children with the opportunity to learn about new places, that are outside of the United States. By doing so, children can learn more about the cultures, cities and landmarks they are unfamiliar with. The idea of my lesson plan is to read the story Around Australia in 30 Places which is a story that was written and published in Australia. The activity I have planned out is to have children create passports and keep track of our journey around Australia. Below I have provided a more detailed explanation as to how I would teach this lesson to a class. This lesson may take more than one day to complete.


International Children Literature Lesson Plan

Subject Area: Literature/Social Studies

Grade: 2nd Grade



  1. Children will be able to create their own passports
  2. Children will be able to write the 30 places around Australia 
  3. Children will be able to tell you about one of the places discussed in the book



  1. Around Australia in 30 Places by: Wombat Books
  2. Construction Paper
  3. Markers, crayons, pencils
  4. Australia passport stamp
  5. Stapler
  6. Internet access




Introduction: Introduce the international children’s literature lesson to children by explaining what a passport is, why we use passports and how we can get a passport.

  • Does anyone have a passport? Has anyone traveled outside of the country?
  • Show examples of passports
  • Explain that we will be creating our own passports


Create Passports: Each student will get to create their own passport.

  • Students will be given 15 pieces of construction paper
  • Students will fold the construction paper in half creating a book
  • Once we have stapled the passport together, students will label the front cover “Passport” and write their name on the back.
  • Once students have completed these steps, they will clean up their work areas and have their passports out on their desk.


Read the story: We will be reading the story Around Australia in 30 Places.

  • Children will be sitting at their seats during this story.
  • I will introduce the story by showing them the cover
    • What do we think this book is going to be about?
    • Share information about the book. Share the title, where Australia is located.
    • Ask children what they think we might see in this book


  • Explain that as we go through each of the 30 places in our book, we will write each location the wombat adventures to. Then children will be able to draw an illustration to go along with each place. After we complete each place, I will stamp their passport page.
  • Once we have ventured through each of the 30 places, children will have created their very own passport of Australia.


Wrap up: We will wrap up this unit/lesson by having children share one of their favorite places.

  • Class discussion
  • Share the name, explain your illustration and share the fact you wrote down. This will be a way I can assess each child’s understanding of the lesson.
  • relate how this story is an international literature book


Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to introduce children to international children’s literature. International children’s literature can be informational and teach children about different aspects of the world. This lesson engages children to think about each place by creating illustrations and a fun way to “travel” around Australia in our very own classroom!

