The Ohio State University

Blog Post 2

For my second blog post I would like to discuss how children’s literature has evolved over time and why it did so. I think it is interesting to like into how things have evolved over time. Children’s books started to…

Blog Post 1

 A topic that I always found fascinating in terms of children’s literature is the fact that in some places like North Korea, the material that is in children’s books is censored. The dynamic is unlike anything else. Instead of regular…

Book Review

The book I chose to read and review was Ms Ice Sandwich by Mieko Kawakami. This book was originally published in Japan but was recently translated into English and thus started selling in the United States. It was Mieko’s first…

Book review: The Mahabharata: A Child’s View

For this book review, I am going to write about on one of the major works of ancient India, Mahabharata. Importance of Mahabharata amongst the Indians places the text comparable to Bible and Quran. Mahabharata is an extensive, long and…

Blog Post 2: Bringing the Joy of Reading in Rural Laos

How does one foster a reading culture in a country that has historically undervalued books? This is the problem Big Brother Mouse publishing has been fighting to solve since their conception in 2006. The project was first inspired when Khamla…

Blog Post 1: Ghana: Bringing African Voices to Children’s Literature

Golden Baobab is an organization that was founded with the intention of fostering children’s and young adult literature focused on catering to the realities of African readers. An interview with Deborah Ahenkorah, founder of the organization provides more detail into…

Book Review: The Wish

What is someone supposed to do when their heart is leading them in one direction, while the rest of the world is leading them in another? The Wish, written by Mwamgwirani Mwakimatu is a beautifully written story that exposes the…

Blog Post 2: Australian Children’s Books Political Now? 

        When it came to looking for more world’s children literature news, I happened to find this article and was interested to see what the deal was on the fact that Australian children’s books becoming more political…

Blog Post 1: Bookaroo Festival 

      With this first blog post, I happened to see this really interesting children’s literature festival that I felt was a great opportunity to share on the blog because it’s actually really interesting. The festival happens to be…

Book Review of “The Bear Whispers to Me: The Story of a Bear and a Boy”

Title: The Bear Whispers to Me: The Story of a Bear and a Boy Author: Ying-Tai Chang Translator: Darryl Sterk Where the book was published first: China Version Publisher: Balestier Press, Edition 1 (May 15, 2015) Pages: 184 Pages When…