Title of the Course
Autumn 2020 (full term)
3 credit hours
Note to Instructor: This template, which has been designed for digital accessibility, provides customizable instructor expectations for online and hybrid classes. See for further context and recommendations, included additional example items to customize.
Email address:
Phone number:
Office hours:
Note to instructor: Use a (preferred contact method) label to indicate your preferred contact method, whether that’s email, phone, or other.
[List any prerequisites, co-requisites, or exclusions]
Course description
[Course description]
Course learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students should successfully be able to:
- [Learning outcome]
- [Learning outcome]
- [Learning outcome]
- [Learning outcome]
- [Learning outcome]
- [Learning outcome]
General education goals and expected learning outcomes
As part of the [GE Category Name] category of the General Education curriculum, this course is designed to prepare students to be able to do the following:
- [Goals]
- [Expected learning outcome]
- [Expected learning outcome]
- [Expected learning outcome]
[Add a statement about how the course fulfills these GE outcomes]
Note to instructor: The above section should be included for any General Education courses.