Flexible Syllabus Option #1: U.OSU.EDU

Color photograph image of the rotunda at the entrance to Ohio Stadium on The Ohio State University Campus

Image description: color photograph image of the rotunda at the entrance to Ohio Stadium on The Ohio State University campus

This flexible syllabus option is designed using the ASC Distance Learning Syllabus Template (more info about this template and the distance learning curricular approval process can be found by following the link). Below you’ll find sample text for a Welcome page that could be used as the homepage for a course’s flexible syllabus.

Welcome To Our Course!

Here, you can include as much or as little introductory material as you are comfortable sharing or that you think might be pertinent knowledge for your students that is not listed on your subsequent syllabus pages. This resource could be a good space to begin to establish the tone for your learning community, so personal anecdotes, a fun course description or tidbit about how this course has gone in the past (if you’ve had the opportunity to teach it before) could be appropriate to share. Additionally, this might be a good place to begin to establish transparency. If this is a first foray into teaching a distance learning course, or maybe this is a long-time course that you are delivering online for the first time, students will appreciate you sharing this info.

Next, you should discuss the syllabus layout and provide links to your section pages. Deliver your information in a way that will paint a clear picture for what is ahead. For example, below is some suggested language for this section (feel free to alter or add information that best represents the needs of your classroom):

Below you’ll find links to sections of the syllabus for this course. The most important information you will need for successfully navigating this course can be found in the following sections:

Please review the above sections extensively, and begin to imagine a plan for your schedule that will ensure your success. Need help putting a plan together? Feel free to reach out to me to set up an appointment during my office hours. My preferred contact method and office hours are listed in the Course Overview!

Course Syllabus Navigation

You can also navigate these pages from the Menu located on the left-hand side of this page.

  1. Course Overview
  2. How This Online Course Works
  3. Course Materials and Technologies
  4. Grading and Faculty Response
  5. Other Course Policies
  6. Accessing Accommodations for Students With Disabilities
  7. Course Schedule