Sound File Access

On this page are links to the sound files for each interview; you can just click on the arrow on the left of the sound bar below the name of the interviewee you are interested in and you will be connected to the recording.  The recordings are alphabetized by the interviewee’s last name, and there is an indication of the length of the interview as well.  For various reasons, a few people were interviewed more than once; we decided to keep both as they are not identical (though, of course, similar); thus some are numbered “(1)” and “(2)”. Enjoy!


Lauren Ackermann

Alexandra Aikhenvald

Badryah Almesfer

Sankal Ananthnarayan

Steve Anderson

Raul Aranovich

Jennifer Arlin

Mark Aronoff

Priscilla Asenuga

Ivana Ash

Gilles Authier

Clint Awai

Anna Babel

Peter Bakker

Eric Bakovic

Marlyse Baptista

Leslie Barratt

John Baugh

Gillian Bausch

Emily Blamire

Mosiah Bluecloud

Aimee Bower

Claire Bowern

David Bowie(1)

David Bowie(2)

Jimoh Braimoh

Arlo Braman

Bill Bright

Aaron Broadwell

Marisa Brook

Chloe Brotherton

Johnny Bundschuh

Mary Rebecca Burns

Joan ByBee

Michael Cahill

Gladys Camacho-Rios

Elizabeth Cannon

Gerd Carling

Jazmina Chavez

Lucy Cheng

Sandy Chung

Billy Clark

Katie Conner

Patricia Cukor-Avila

Jeffery Darensbourg

Ashlee Dauphinais

Lindon Dedvukaj

Michel Degraff

Mitchell DeVore

Laura Downing

Stanley Dubinsky

Penny Eckert

Shontael Elward

Paul Fallon

Susan Fischer

Bonnie Fonseca-Greber

Jon Forrest

Elaine Francis

Francine Frank

Victor Friedman

Nancy Frishberg

Zuzanna Fuchs

Andrew Garrett

Daniel Ginsberg

Lelia Glass

Gregory Guy

Damien Hall

Alice Harris

Kirk Hazen

Nicole Holliday

Larry Horn

Larry Hyman

Ivan Igartua

Ray Jackendoff

Richard Janda

Mark Janse

Barbara Johnstone

Brian Joseph(1)

Brian Joseph(2)

Matthew Juge

Thede Kahl

Ellen Kaisse

Susan Kalt

Vsevolod Kapatsiski

Shuan Karim

Tyler Kibbey

David King

Kate Kinnaird

Katha Kissman

Martin Kohlberger

Miklos Kontra

William Labov

Sonja Lanehart

Terry Langendoen

Sutton Laurel

Paul Ledesma

David Lightfoot

Franco Liu

Silvia Luraghi

Anna Macknick

Rob Mailhammer

Laiyla Mandujano

Jac Marshall

Joe Marulli

Sally McConnell-Ginet

Lise Menn

Kenna Miller

Hazel Mitchley

Marianne Mithun

Deborah Morton

Thomas Motter

Emerah Myslenski

Fredrick Newmeyer

Abraham Nygren

Loraine Obler

Ken Olson

Rafael Orozco

Chu Paing

Iain Sungmin Park

Barbara Partee

Francesco Perono Cacciafoco

Stefanie Pillai

Maria Piñango

Hailey Poutiatine

Dennis Preston

Dave Prine

James Pustejovsky

Paul Reed

Keren Rice

John Rickford

Catherine Ringen

Lilia Rissman

David Robinson

Domenic Romagno

Catherine Rudin

Deniz Rudin

Michela Russo

Joe Salmons

Konstantinos Sampanis

Patricia Sandoval

Gillian Sankoff

Måsi Santos

Melina Sarian

Andrea Schramm

Molody Seip

Talias Sherman

Roger Shuy

Nandi Sims

Ioanna Sitaridou

Arthur Spears

Shari Speer

Sean Stalley

Dieter Stein

Kristen Syrett

Sali Tagliamonte

Hatam Tamimi

Leeann Taylor

Michael Terry

Jacob Thaisen

Margaret Thomas

Lisa Thomason

Sally Thomason

Ingrid Tieken

Genevieve Tikasign

Peter Torres

Naomi Trevino

Holman Tse

Kevin Tuite

Siri Tuttle

Anne-José Villeneuve

Grace Walters

Cassidy Walton

Nigel Ward

Tracey Weldon

Alexis Wellwood

Walt Wolfram

Tony Woodbury

Kelly Wright(1)

Kelly Wright(2)

Shiyue Wu

Dyson Ye

DaaiSyut Yeung

Martha Young-Scholten

Yan Yuli

Matthew Zaslansky

Ying Zhang

Yuhong Zhu