Python intro

class notes [pdf]

python tutorial

need to use escape characters for some elements
if you are using single quotes for something other than delimiting the string, it needs to be marked as unique — not a command

>>> 'I\'m in graduate school'

length = takes an argument and returns the length of the string

>>> len("hello")

len = length
int = integer
str = string (by convention, we put a string between quotes – single or double)

type = will return one of these data types

>>> type("hello")
<class 'str'>

the dot ” . ” connects the string with

>>> "I'm in graduate school".split()
["I'm", 'in', 'graduate', 'school']
>>> len(["I'm", 'in', 'graduate', 'school'])
>>> len("I'm in graduate school".split())

in lists, the elements are ordered, Python starts with [0]
The number in brackets is called the index, and points to a specific element within the list

>>> "I'm in graduate school".split()[3]

here’s an exciting oddity that I accidentally discovered:

>>> "I'm in graduate school".split()[2][3]

the second index returns the third character within the second element split from the string

Ctrl+C will escape you from Python back to cmd (or Terminal, as the case may be)

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