I began my career as a nurse at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center after graduating from Mercy College of Ohio in 2015. I joined OSUWMC Nurse residency program and worked on 9 East Doan which was a dedicated education unit. Due to that experience I had the privilege to help numerous juniors throughout their clinical, became a preceptor for two seniors, and on-boarded various new hire nurses. My time spent on 9 East Doan sparked a passion for nursing education within me. I now work on the Hematology and Transplant Clinic in The James. On my current unit I am one of the patient education liaisons. Under that title I am responsible for providing the Bone Marrow Transplant slideshow presentation to the work-up patients on the unit and assist in finding new opportunities for patient education.
I am a wife and a mother to a two year old, Jonathan. I am also pregnant with another little boy due in July! My family and I love to be outside and you will find us in the backyard grilling out whenever the weather permits.
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