Photos from the Fair

We were fortunate to have several photographers who worked throughout the fair to document the Junior Fair shows and events. Check out their links below to view and purchase pictures!


Kylee Williams was our photographer for equine events during the Hartford Fair. You can find all photos posted online HERE. Just choose the Hartford Fair link at the top of the page and then select the event in which you are interested! MANY THANKS to Don and Marcie Williams for sponsoring one digital image per equine exhibitor – exhibitors are reminded to reach out to Kylee directly to select your chosen image.


Halee Ann Photography was our photographers for livestock events during the Hartford Fair. You can find all of the photos she and her colleagues took posted online HERE. The galleries are organized by species and then by show/event.


Karen Keller Photography took photos during the King and Queen Contest, including the introduction of our Commodity Royalty and our Prince and Princess of the Day participants. You can find all of her photos posted online HERE.


REMINDER: Hartford Fair Entry Information

All Hartford Fair entries must be completed through the FairEntry portal this year. Please follow the Hartford Fair Entry Instructions when making your entries. Entry deadline is Monday, June 26, 2023.

Please note:

  • The Hartford Fair Entry Portal can be found by visiting:

  • Please be sure to review the Hartford Fair Premium Book to ensure you know which Classes and Lots you will be making entries for before you start that process.
  • All 4-H families must use their 4-HOnline Credentials to log into FairEntry. If a member creates a new account in FairEntry, they will be unable to make entries in Junior Fair Departments as those departments require them to be enrolled in the appropriate 4-H project in order to make entries.

  • All FFA members will make their entries through their FFA advisor.

  • Please make sure that you add all entries to each exhibitor in your family before you submit the entries and continue to the payment portal.

  • The process for submitting a photo for an exhibitor fair ID as well as exhibitor gate admission will be sent out once entries close. You will not submit an exhibitor photo when making entries, that will be a separate process.
  • This is a new process and we know that there will be errors or glitches that will need solved. Please reach out to us if you run into an issue, and please have patience as we work through any glitches.


  • When you make your entries, you will need to know whether your club has decided to do a club booth in the 4-H Center. If you are unsure, please ask your advisor before completing entries.
  • You will need to select JR CLUBS SCHOOLS. You will then select 118.JB: 4-H INDIVIDUAL. If your club is having a club booth, you will select 01: INDVIDUAL EXHIBITS (CLUB BOOTH). If your club is not having a club booth, you will need to display your project in the Miscellaneous Booth. If that is the case, you will need to select 02: INDVIDUAL EXHIBITS (MISC BOOTH). Repeat these steps to add additional entries for still projects until you have the number of still projects entries that matches the number of still projects you plan to display in the booth.
  • If your club is doing a group project, please be sure to include that project in your number of entries. For example, if you are doing 409 Sew Fun, 492 Cake Decorating, and 091G Discover 4-H Group Project, you would make three Individual Still Project entries. You will NOT list your specific project names anywhere.