If you are interested in becoming a Licking County 4-H advisor for 2023, you can find the application HERE. Completed applications are due to the Licking County Extension Office by February 1, 2023. Applications can also be emailed to Lisa McCutcheon at mccutcheon.46@osu.edu. If you are interested in starting a new club, please turn your advisor application in as soon as possible so we can get that process started as well.
Month: November 2022
2022 Buckeye Shepherd’s Symposium
Sheep Indoors is the Focus of 2022 Shepherd’s Symposium
The Ohio Sheep Improvement Association in partnership with The Ohio State University invites all sheep enthusiasts to the 2022 Buckeye Shepherd’s Symposium in Wooster, Ohio from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, December 3 at the OARDC Shisler Conference Center (1680 Madison Avenue, Wooster, OH 44691).
This year’s symposium theme is management and marketing. The primary focus of discussion will be around housed and dry lot management of commercial sheep. Additional breakout sessions will elaborate on marketing strategies for lamb and wool.
A full slate of distinguished speakers will be featured at the symposium.
Dr. Eric Gordon, a clinical veterinarian at OSU Large Animal Services in Marysville, will address strategies to promote animal health and welfare in confined systems.
Dr. Richard Ehrhardt, a Senior Extension Specialist in small ruminants at Michigan State University, will provide considerations for facility design and economics of conversion to a housed sheep system.
Dr. Andrew Weaver, an Assistant Professor and Extension Small Ruminant Specialist in the Department of Animal Science at North Carolina State University, will continue discussion of sheep management in confinement with a focus on genetics and nutrition.
Additional special guests at the symposium will include Roger Hunker- Online Livestock Sales; Garth Ruff- Marketing Meat Products Off-Farm; Sandra Morris- Adding Value to Wool; Dr. Brady Campbell and Christine Gelley- OSU Research Update on Solar Grazing; Courtney Anderson- Coyote Research; and more!
Additionally, the night prior to the symposium beginning at 6 p.m. on December 2, the Young Shepherd’s Assembly will gather at JAFB Brewery (120 Beall Avenue, Wooster, OH 44691) for appetizers, pizza, drinks, and discussion with some of the symposium’s featured guests. This event serves as an opportunity for shepherds under 40 to gather with their peers for social interaction and networking ahead of a day of education together. To attend, note your attendance with registration.
Shepherds of all ages, sectors, and regions are invited to attend the symposium to connect with other shepherds and to continue learning together. If you are unable to attend the symposium in-person, you won’t have to miss the event. The 2022 symposium will be held in a hybrid format including options for both in-person or online participation depending on your preference. If you would like to join the symposium virtually, be sure to select that option during registration and provide an accurate and valid email address.
Be sure to mark your calendars for December 3, 2022! Proceed to register online, print a form, or view the full program schedule visit OSIA Programs at ohiosheep.org or the OSU Sheep Team Events/Programs page at sheep.osu.edu. Refreshments will be provided throughout the day and a delicious lunch featuring lamb chops and cheesecake will be included in registration. Registrations are appreciated by Nov. 18, 2022.
Go to https://go.osu.edu/ohiosheep for direct access to the registration information.
Written for Distribution by OSIA, OSWP, and OSU Extension.
Submitted by:
Christine Gelley, M.S.
Extension Educator, Agriculture & Natural Resources
Noble County Extension
46049 Marietta Rd., Suite 2, Caldwell, OH 43724
740-732-5681 Office / 740-732-5434 Fax
gelley.2@osu.edu noble.osu.edu
REMINDER: Holiday Toy Drive
Let’s put our “hands to larger service!” Licking County 4-H is partnering with Karis’ Cause to collect toys, games, and gift cards for patients and their families at Nationwide Children’s Hospital this holiday season. Items should be new, in original packaging. Please do NOT bring presents gift wrapped. Items should be dropped of to the Licking County Extension Office by November 18, 2022. Suggested items are listed below, but please know this is not a definitive list.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are planning to attend the Licking County 4-H Achievement Night on November 17th, we will have a box to collect toys/items that night. It’s a great option so you won’t need to make a special trip just to drop off your donation! Also, a reminder that if you haven’t already done so, please RSVP at the link you received in your email invite if you plan to attend to help us better plan for that evening.
Gift ideas:
- $10 gift cards to stores like Walmart, Target, Amazon, etc.
- Craft Items: crayons, markers, paint, stickers, Play Doh, clay, art sets, etc.
- Games: board and card games
- Video Games: Wii and XBOX 360 or One
- Toys: Puzzles, matchbox cars, Lego/building sets, dolls, stuffed animals, etc.
2022 Club Financial Documents Due Soon
Attention Advisors! Please remember that all clubs must turn in a Yearly Financial Summary by December 1st each year. If your has not completed their financial summary for this year, please be sure that that is on your schedule to do and turn in before December 1, 2022. You can find the financial summary on the Club Resource Book Supplemental Materials page under the Advisor Resources tab on our website. There are three different versions that you can use depending on what works best for you. You should have also received a print copy in your club packet that you received at the beginning of the year, or we have print copies available at the office if you need one.
Please also remember that we have a NEW Yearly Financial Review document that should be completed annually as well. You can find this form just below the Yearly Financial Summary at the page linked above. If you haven’t already done so, please be sure to review the requirements and recommendations and then form a Financial Review Committee to complete the review before December 1, 2022.
Because 4-H clubs are nonprofit and held to the standards of the Internal Revenue Service 501c3 determination, it is important that the finances for each club and group go through an audit. This practice of auditing protects the club and the treasurer themselves. Each 4-H Club / Committee should conduct a yearly financial review and may use internal or external audits (or emergency audit when needed). It is recommended to have an annual / yearly financial review, internal audit once every three years, and an external audit conducted at least once every six years.
We know you may have questions, so please do reach out with questions as we are happy to help.
2023 Hartford Junior Fair Board Applications Due Soon!
Come be a part of the team! The application for the 2023 Hartford Fair Junior Fair Board is available HERE. Completed applications must be turned in by November 15, 2022. Applicants must be age 14 as of 01/01/2023 to apply for the junior fair board. Interviews will take place on Saturday, December 3rd at the Licking County Extension Office. Once you have submitted your application, please call our office at 740-670-5315 to schedule your interview.
2023 Ohio 4-H Volunteer Shooting Sports Training
All Ohio 4-H volunteers who work with shooting sports projects must be certified in the discipline(s) that they offer. Those certifications must be completed through the Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor Workshops held yearly around the state. If you are a Licking County 4-H Advisor who needs to re-certify or wishes to add a discipline to your certifications, please be sure to make note of when/where the 2023 workshops will be held to ensure you are available for those workshops. Please review the 2023 Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor Workshops Flyer for more details. If you are not currently certified but would be interested in becoming certified, please contact Lisa McCutcheon at mccutcheon.46@osu.edu before signing up for any trainings.
PLEASE NOTE: You must be a Licking County 4-H Advisor in good standing in order to attend any of these workshops. If you are not yet an advisor, please reach out to Lisa at the email address listed above. The new advisor applications for Licking County 4-H will be available soon.
2023 Family Guide
The 2023 Family Guide is available online at https://ohio4h.org/familyguide. Each family that had a member or advisor enrolled in 4-H in 2022 will receive a print copy by mail in mid to late January. Ohio 4-H is able to provide these copies directly to our members through support of Kroger and the Ohio 4-H Foundation.
Some key updates you’ll want to pay attention to…
- Due to the increased cost in supplies and printing, there is a price increase for project books this year. Books that were previously $6 are now priced at $8. When looking through the family guide, books that are a different price will have that price listed in parentheses at the end of the project description. If there is no price listed, that means that project book is the standard $8.
- There are several new/revised projects. You’ll find the summary of which project books are new, revised, or discontinued on page 2 of the Family Guide. One change that will affect several of our members is the new rabbit project book. The three project books for 225 Breeding Rabbit, 226 Market Rabbit, and 227 Pet Rabbit have all been combined into one book: 228 Rabbit Project and Record Book. This means that those taking multiple rabbit projects will only need to purchase one project book to complete any of those projects.
- Most of the new/revised project books should be available in our office by early 2023. We always encourage you to check that we have a book in stock before you make the trip to our office to purchase, but please be sure to check on these new books if you need them as sometimes they arrive later than expected and we don’t want you to make a wasted trip.
Please also remember to utilize Project Central when searching for projects. You can search by topic, keyword, name, or skill/age level. You can view sample pages of the project book and read reviews written by members/parents/advisors who have taken/worked with that project. If you haven’t already, please go to the projects that you took last year and write a review of that project. It helps future members as they search for projects.
National 4-H Conference
Attention all Ohio 4-H members 15-18 years old! Ohio 4-H is seeking qualified applicants to attend the National 4-H Conference from April 14-19, 2023 in Washington D.C.! The conference is focused on civic engagement, civic education, and personal development, so if that sounds like something your interested in, don’t hesitate! More information can be found at https://go.osu.edu/N4HC
Extension Offices Closed for Veterans Day
Ohio State University Extension Offices will be closed on Friday, November 11, 2022 as we observe Veterans Day. We will resume normal business hours on Monday, November 14, 2022.