IMPORTANT: Required Livestock Forms for Hartford Fair

Hartford Junior Fair Livestock and Equine exhibitors have online forms that will be due before they bring their animals to the fair. Please note below which forms are required for each species and the deadline for each form. Most species must have their forms completed by 11:59p.m. on Friday, August 5, 2022. The only exception to this is Market Hogs. Market Hogs will complete their forms after the Hartford Fair tag is placed in their hog’s ear on August 6th and before 10:00am on August 7th. Instructions will be displayed throughout the Swine Complex. All MARKET ANIMALS must have forms completed in order to be allowed to weigh-in on the fairgrounds – no exceptions.

DUNF: (all market animals)

UPI Form:  (market steer / heifer, market goat, market lamb, dairy feeders)