Ohio 4-H Virtual Horse Communication Contest

Attention 4-H horse project members! Please consider participating in the Ohio 4-H Virtual Horse Communication Contest. Winners selected at this contest will represent Ohio 4-H at the national contest. For rules and registration, please visit the Ohio 4-H Horse page here. Deadline to register is March 1, 2021 and the contest will be held by Zoom on March 13, 2021.

2021 Licking County Farm Bureau’s Farmers Share Breakfast

SAVE THE DATE! The 2021 Licking County Farm Bureau Farmers Share Breakfast will be held on Saturday, May 1, 2021. More info will be coming, but please plan to attend and support this endeavor. This event is a tremendous support to the Licking County 4-H Summer Camp program, in both offering scholarships and offsetting registration fees!

The Salvation Army Community Service Opportunity

Looking for a service project idea to reach out to our community? These are the most requested items by The Salvation Army – Newark, Ohio Corps clients in the soup kitchen and warming centers! Blessing bags are always a welcomed treat to them! Please reach out to The Salvation Army in Newark if you or your club would like to make a donation.

4-H Photography Challenge

Minnesota 4-H Photography is excited to offer a photo challenge to Midwest youth in grades K-13.

Explore the world in TONES with a black and white photography challenge! We encourage you to play with shadows, look at texture, and layer dark and light tones to create stunning black and white photographs. More information and rules for the challenge can be found here.

Submit up to three (3) jpg or jpeg images to fourhphoto@umn.edu by 11:59 p.m. on March 15, 2021. As this is a multi-state challenge, please make sure to rename your images as indicated in the rules.

Find more information about the challenge here: https://extension.umn.edu/event/4-h-black-and-white-photo-challenge

This contest is open to ALL 4-H youth. You do NOT need to be enrolled in a 4-H photography project to participate.

We hope to see LOTS of Ohio 4-H photos in the contest!

Ohio 4-H Scholarship Application Due

Ohio 4-H recognizes and rewards individual excellence, whether it is in project work, leadership, citizenship or community service. Ohio 4-H Scholarships were established in 1976 in order to help young people become self-directing, productive and contributing members of society. There are currently 36 statewide 4-H scholarships being offered. The application is due by February 15, 2021. You can review criteria as well as complete the application here.

LAST CHANCE: 2021 Licking County 4-H Camp Counselor Applications are DUE!

We’re excited to let you know that the 2021 Counselor Application, and accompanying Reference Form, are now ready for you – and due by Friday, February 12, 2021! Both documents will be completed online, and submitted electronically! No need to mail materials, or make a trip to the Extension Office!  This application can be used for both those interested in Summer Residential Camp and Cloverbud Day Camp opportunities…

As we prepare for our 2021 summer camp programming, please know that while we hope to be back at 4-H Camp Ohio for five fun-filled days of residential camp, we have no idea what the months ahead may hold. We are more than accepting of the fact that we may be offering residential camp, day camps, or even online programming opportunities. We hope that you will come along for the ride, and help to ensure that Licking County 4-H members are able to enjoy an exciting and memorable camp experience – regardless of the format that we must use.

2021 Camp Counselor Application: www.go.osu.edu/2021CampCounselorApp

  • Follow the link above to the application. You’ll complete your responses, read the Standards of Behavior and Camp Counselor Contract, and then both you and parent will electronically sign your application. The application can be completed easily on a computer or mobile device.
  • NEW APPLICANTS: Once you have completed your application, please reach out to me to schedule your interview. Interviews will be held on Monday, February 21, 2021.

2021 Camp Counselor Reference Form:  www.go.osu.edu/2021CCReferenceForm

  • Please note, this link can be shared with your reference contacts. They will then follow the link to a survey, and complete their feedback about your skills and abilities, and submit online.
  • ALL APPLICANTS: Please remember that we must receive at least two reference forms on your behalf…


Details… Details… Details…

 4-H EVENT/OPPORTUNITY: Licking County 4-H Camp Counselor

DATE / DEADLINE: Applications are due to the OSU Extension Office no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, February 12, 2021.


The 4-H Camp Counselors are a group of 4-H teens selected to assist in being responsible for campers ages 8-15 during the Licking County 4-H Camp (June 17-21, 2021). As a result of participation, counselors will develop knowledge, skills, attitudes and aspirations needed for adult success, and the Licking County 4-H program will be strengthened and expanded.  Roles and Responsibilities of 4-H Camp Counselors include:

  • Attend required trainings prior to camp
  • Market and promote camp
  • Serve in a leadership and teaching role to other counselors
  • Serve on committees or other groups to plan programs at camp
  • Conduct self in an appropriate manner before, during, and after camp while serving as a role model to campers and peers
  • Assist staff and other counselors with camp activities; work as a team to implement the activities
  • Know and understand all safety guidelines, including emergency procedures, associated with the camp and program areas
  • Follow and enforce camp rules
  • Assure for safety of campers at all times including in cabins, sessions, and large group activities
  • Be aware of child protection regulations and report any child abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect in accordance with university policy
  • Identify and respond to camper behavior issues
  • Ensure campers’ health and hygiene, e.g., brushing teeth, eating meals, taking medication, etc.
  • Promote camper participation during camp
  • Lead and supervise campers in activities at camp including but not limited to songs, teambuilding challenges, group activities, challenges, etc.
  • Teach and lead campers at workshops or during other components at camp (table setting, song leading, etc.)
  • Mentor and give guidance to campers to encourage positive youth development and enhancement of life skills


  • Must be at least 14 years old by January 1, 2021.
  • Must be a member in good standing within their respective 4-H Club(s).
  • Must be able to get transportation to meetings and events as needed.
  • Must complete a minimum of 24 hours of training. (6 of these hours must be on-sight for first time counselors).
  • Must complete Child Abuse Awareness training.
  • Must Sign Standards of Behaviors, complete the Code of Conduct form, and have a current Ohio 4-H Health History form on file.
  • All applicants must provide two references.
  • If the individual is 18+ year old at least two months prior to camp, the individual must have their background check conducted.


  • Individuals who complete the application and fulfill application requirements will be contacted regarding the selection process.
  • All new applicants are asked to contact Lisa McCutcheon (mccutcheon.46@osu.edu / 740.618.6333) to schedule their interview.
  • Interviews will be held on Monday, February 22, 2021, beginning at 4:00 p.m.
    • If conducted in person, interviews will be held at the Licking County Extension Office.
    • If conducted online, interviews will be held using a Zoom meeting platform.


  • 4-H Camp Counselors meet the following dates (tentatively): These dates are specific to those counselors working with Summer Residential Camp.
    • March 6 (Saturday) / March 16 (Tuesday) / April 13 (Tuesday) / April 28 (Wednesday) / May 5 (Wednesday) / May 26 (Wednesday) / June 8 (Tuesday) / June 15 (Tuesday), and attend Mini-Camp (May 7-8) and Summer Camp (June 17-21).
  • Counselors are expected to notify the Extension Office if an absence is unavoidable.
  • 4-H Camp Counselors will be trained on topics such as the camp counselor core competencies; risk management, including active shooter guidelines, emergency protocols, and child abuse recognition.


  • Complete the application in its entirety, which includes reading and signing the Standards of Behavior and Camp Counselor Code of Conduct forms.
  • Submit reference forms from at least two non-family members.
  • Submit all materials to the Licking County Extension Office by Friday, February 12, 2021.

Helping Hands 4-H Club Virtual 5K

Please support Helping Hands 4-H club’s first virtual 5k. If you’re wondering what in the world is this? You sign up using the link, run/walk your 5k wherever you want (inside/outside) between Feb. 1-April 1. You will get your race bib and information all digitally. All participants will get a medal. Cost: $25 per participant.

Registration opens: Feb. 1st (use QR code below or visit: https://runsignup.com/Race/OH/Newark/HelpingHands5k2021)
Medal pick up: April 24th (drive thru– location TBD)

This is the perfect time to keep working on those New Year’s goals, try something new if you’ve been afraid to, donate to our club, or just gather your “herd” and join us in MOO-ving!!!