Current Event: Global Climate Strike

students global climate strike


Students in over 100 countries walked out of their classrooms on March 15, 2019, in protest of the lack of action done on climate change. This is due to how students are saying that their governments have deserted future generations by their inactions, such as, not cutting emissions and restricting global warming. Although the specifics of climate change vary, the general consensus for these students is for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Specifically, in the US, some of the concerns that students have are: ending fossil fuel infrastructure projects, implementing the Green New Deal; mandatory education on climate change in primary education; preservation; and clean water supply to everyone in the country.

The limitations that are obvious is the fact that its only students who are striking on behalf of the nation. This proves that the general demographic that is concerned with our current climate status is our very own peers. Climate change should be a concern for everyone on Earth if they plan to have a place for everyone on the planet.

This global climate strike is important as it is another example of students using their humane right to voice and assemble on a topic that speaks to them—specifically relating to STEM. No matter anyone’s socioeconomic status, climate change affects everyone in a certain manner either now or in the (near) future. Climate change is similar to the butterfly effect, as it will continue to be detrimental to everyone and everything on this planet. It’s important to act upon this now.

Principally due to human activities across the world, the Earth’s climate is changing faster than ever. The impacts that climate change has impacted not only human health, agriculture and food security, water but transportation, energy, ecosystems, and more.

Contrary to popular belief, climate change isn’t just the sun increasing its presence in our lives. In fact, it could actually get too hot for humans to be even outside because of the rising temperatures. Climate change can bring upon more extreme weather, poor air quality, and increased vector-borne diseases. Not many people consider these options but these same effects can soon cause more detrimental problems on our economy as well. It all comes to a full circle.

Also, climate change and global warming can’t be used synonymously. They are both two different concepts as global warming causes climate change. While Earth’s temperature continues to rise more, the climate continues to vary. Even though it is known that Earth goes through cycles where it has typically warmed and cooled during eras, they have been slower and taken millions of years; however, now, within a recorded data of about 200 years, the planet has approached these levels rapidly than in the past.

With all of this in mind, it is impossible to avoid climate change. Yet, we can alleviate the effects and adapt to climate change’s consequences and make our planet sustainable for many more future generations to come. This can start with small steps and goals, such as turning off lights when they aren’t in use, consuming less meat from cows, buying fruits and vegetables from more local sources, and increased use of renewable energy, education on a “green lifestyle” and sustainability.
