

A group of nursing students from The Ohio State University created this website after learning about and witnessing the difficulties the LGBTQ community has to go through to access culturally sensitive, adequately trained health care providers and other health-related services. Our mission is to provide a comprehensive resource for the Columbus, Ohio area to make health care and health-related services easier for the LGBTQ community to access, and provide a new perspective, education, and training resources for health care providers to become more culturally competent with this unique population of patients.

Use the search bar at the bottom right of the rainbow flag on any page to search our entire site for specific words.

If you are interested in adding to or being included in our list of providers or health-related services, please contact us with the contact information provided below.
Please be advised we will only add providers who show evidence of their support of the LGBTQ community, please contact us for more information.