Aging Well, Aging Together

Are you a lesbian over 55 years old? We want to hear your story.

Description: Aging Well Aging Together is a qualitative research study documenting the aging experiences of lesbians in Central Ohio through The Ohio State University and the Age-Friendly Innovation Center.

You may be eligible if:

  • You are age 55+
  • Currently, or at other points in your lifetime, identified as a lesbian
  • You live in Central Ohio
  • You speak English fluently

What participants can expect:

  • Provide demographic information
  • Complete a baseline survey
  • Complete a 60-90 minute interview via Zoom or in person on:
    • Your aging experience as a lesbian
    • The disappearance of Jack’s /Summit Station and other lesbian bars
    • Social networks, community, and well-being

Participants will receive compensation of $100 for their time and help.

Please note: This study has not started recruitment, we anticipate enrolling participants in Winter/Spring 2024/2025

For more information or questions please contact us at: