Co-Designing Health

Co-designing culturally tailored health communications for LGBTQ+ communities

This study will use focus groups to co-design mass-reach health communications that encourage LGBTQ+ adults who use tobacco to quit and use State Tobacco Quit Line services. 

The Ohio State University’s Practice and Science for LGBTQ+ Health Equity Lab is conducting a study to investigate LGBTQ+ adults’ perceptions of mass-reach health communications that encourage LGBTQ+ adults who use tobacco to quit and use State Tobacco Quit Line services. We are seeking participants aged 2564 who identify as a part of the LGBTQ+ community and who have ever used tobacco to participate in focus groups or an online survey. Participants will receive up to $50 for participating in focus groups and $10 for participating in an online survey. 

If you are interested in participating, please take our screener survey here. If you have any questions, you can contact us at

Description: The purpose of this study is to develop mass-reach health communications that effectively encourage LGBTQ+ adults who use tobacco to quit and use State Tobacco Quit Line services. We hope participation in this study will aid in future LGBTQ+ and tobacco-related research.

A poster image with the title "We need all voices" featuring an image of a gay couple hugging a young boy who appears to be their child. The poster contains text about the study, as also reflected on the web page, and a QR code that links to the web page.Focus groups will take place in Fall/Winter 2024. For the focus groups, after enrollment, participants will complete an in-person or online focus group. There will be questions about your experiences with using and attempting to quit tobacco. Then we will ask you to share your opinions on a series of health communications before collaborating to create new health messages through sketching ideas and using generative AI software. The focus groups will take 1-2 hours. Participants will receive a $45 gift card for participating in the focus group and a $5 gift card for participating in a baseline survey pre-focus group. Gift cards will be distributed electronically via Virtual Incentives 

Online surveying will take place in Winter 2024/Spring-Summer 2025. For the survey, after enrollment, participants will complete all study activities online. There will be a few questions before viewing a series of images with messages about quitting tobacco and using the state Quit Line. Once participants have viewed the images, they will be asked a few more questions about the images they saw and to fill out demographic information. The survey will take 10-15 minutes. Participants will receive a $10 gift card electronically via Virtual Incentives for participating. 

Eligibility: To find out if you are eligible, please take our screener survey here. If you have any questions, you can contact us at