Meet the Lab – Cherod Bowens

Cherod Bowens (he/him)

Research Assistant, Undergraduate Neuroscience Major, 2026

I’m a Columbus native with a primary interest in community and environmental health. I am working as a researcher on Greater Columbus INSIGHT; I am thrilled to deliver our findings back to our communities and continue to make space for marginalized voices to be uplifted in research.


What drew you to a public health education?

I was drawn to public health education through Joanne’s course, Role of Behavior in Public Health. As a behavioral neuroscience student, I was drawn to the ways that human behavior and choice access informs generations of people, not only through how we develop but also how our communities can thrive when given a fair chance. Throughout this course we addressed many different determinants of health with a focus on how they developed and also the possible ways that we can shift their prevalence in others’ lives. Being in a public health centered environment not only opened my eyes to the world of public health education but also equipped me with the tools to become an active changemaker within it.

What makes you passionate about addressing health disparities in your research?

The thing that makes me the most passionate about addressing health disparities in our research is the reality that so many people exist within systems that have been built up to disenfranchise and displace them. Having witnessed this firsthand and the ways to mitigate these risks, I have made an intentional effort to be a part of the mending process of communities and that is exactly what our research does. Through our research we do the necessary work to best ensure that all people are heard and have equitable access to the resources that their communities deserve.

What are your goals for the future?

I hope to graduate with my bachelor’s and go on to pursue my MPH and JD in health policy law.

How do you spend your time outside of academia?

Outside of academia, I am an Adult Ally with the Franklin County Youth Council which focuses on best practices to better teen mental health and provide mutual aid throughout Franklin County. Additionally, I love playing chess, running, and listening to Clairo.

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