Meet the Lab – Monica Stanwick

Monica Stanwick (She/Her/Hers)

Research Assistant, MPH- Health Behavior & Health Promotion, second-year

I grew up in southeastern Ohio on the border of West Virginia, and I attended Marshall University where I earned a B.S. in biology. I came by public health in a winding sort of way, but I am really excited to begin my MPH and start working in the areas of food insecurity and eating disorder prevention.

What drew you to a public health education? 

A few years ago, I became fascinated by the treatment-heavy perspective of the US healthcare system, and I started to question why we didn’t focus more on prevention of disease in the first place. Around the same time, I began to volunteer with food rescue organizations working to simultaneously reduce food waste and food insecurity, and I got really interested in eating disorders and nutrition. I happily discovered public health was the intersection at which all my interests could meet!

What makes you passionate about addressing health disparities in your research? 

What are your goals for the future? I’m not 100% sure what I want to do after my MPH, but I think I might be interested in pursuing a PhD in public health. Whether I stay in academia or not, I want to be involved in reducing food insecurity and/or reducing prevalence of eating disorders. I think I’ll be happy doing any kind of prevention and promotion, work, though!

How do you spend your time outside of academia? 

Outside of academia, I like to read (everything from Harry Potter to Greek myth retellings to Stephen King to memoir), exercise (I ride in Pelotonia! Come ride with me!), try new restaurants and coffee shops, go thrifting, bake, and spend time with my family and friends.

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