Week 3 Project

In this image I feel like I am pretty disconnected from the space that I occupy. Part of this is unavoidable because the tiny world image is somewhat unnatural in nature. My goal in this image was to try to make the tiny world seem as seamless as possible, then I just added myself on top of it.

I like the contrast that the image of myself has in the tiny world picture. In the tiny world its dark, cloudy, and cold, whereas I’m in shorts and a T-shirt. I find the contrast to be very interesting and it adds a much nicer effect to the final piece than I initially thought it would. I only wish I could make myself seem a little closer brightness wise.


Week 6 Project

Elements: These are the specific objects and properties that make up a work of art.

Line: The use of straight lines.

Shape: The perimeter of a flat piece.

Color: The objects physical color.

Value: An objects relative brightness or darkness when compared to the rest of the image.

Form: The shape of a 3D object.

Texture: The pattern on a surface.

Space: The openness/emptiness of a displayed area.

Principles: These are concepts that are taken into account when creating a work of art.

Balance: A sense of equality portrayed in a work of art.

Contrast: Differences that are highlighted by the relation of two things.

Emphasis: Emphasizing the importance of something in the piece.

Movement: How your eye tends to move through a piece of art.

Pattern: A motif that a piece of art displays.

Proportion: An emphasis on the scale of objects that are related to each other in the piece.

Alignment (Repetition): An assortment of objects that together form a straight line.

Unity: The arrangement of visual elements in such a way that the image has a distinct balance.

Enterprise Extra Credit

I ended up doing a lot to original Image. I added a blue hue to the city, cloud cover, darkened the moon, replaced the space background with an image I made earlier, and darkened the enterprise slightly.

Week 7 Project

For this project I used a picture I took of a lightsaber. I decided this would be the best because it is a good representation of one of my favorite things, Star Wars. I think what Andy Warhol was trying to say with his art also applies to this piece. Star Wars is something that anybody from any part of society can enjoy.

I would say this piece follows Warhol’s tradition. Once you get the process down, repeating this process for others objects wouldn’t be too challenging. PS has been an amazing tool for me to realize some of my artistic ideals. I am really bad at drawing and painting and pretty much any other way to bring an idea into real life. However, I am good with computers so being able to use a computer to create Star Wars art is super awesome and something I wish I got into sooner.