My Skills & Experiences

I have already detailed many of my most valuable experiences this year in other sections of the portfolio. If you are interested in learning more about those, I suggest visiting the posts entitled “Leadership Development,” “Artifacts: OWL-C,” and “Artifacts: Becoming an RA.”

As you will find in the resume page of this portfolio, I have had many varied experiences that have allowed me to gain different skills. As an office assistant at Ohio State, I have gained practical office skills while also honing my customer service in order to make my residence hall a great place to come home to. In my extracurricular roles, I have had great leadership experiences that have taught me more about myself and what kind of leader I am. As a lifeguard instructor and water safety instructor, I learned how to assess and handle stressful situations in an efficient manner and how to transfer my skills to others in a classroom setting. As a pet counselor, I began to appreciate the beauty in everyday things and how to be more empathetic to people and animals without voices. All of these have had different impacts on me and have helped me grow to be the person I am today.

These skills can all be applied to new roles that I will have in the future and the experiences I’ve had will be extremely valuable. As I move forward in my academic career, I hope to continue to grow and learn new skills through new opportunities.

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