Ministry of Human Resource Development has issued the following objectives and purpose for LEAP. Aligarh Muslim University and the Ohio State University have signed a Memorandum of Understanding supporting the aforementioned goals and the LEAP Program.
The purpose is to learn from exemplars and practices of leadership, on how we do our work rather than any specific research we are working on. Please attend each session, engage with your peers, and interact with the speakers. This is an interactive workshop. It is our hope that you will:
- Identify OSU faculty with shared interests
- Embark on Collaborative Projects
- Commit to one year of work together
The program is expected to translate to the following skills and impact on university campuses: Problem-solving, handling stress, team building work, conflict management, effective communication, understanding and coping with the complexity and challenges of governance in Higher Education Institutions, financial management & general administration. Greater effectiveness and success of administrators, educators and graduates.
Main Objective: To prepare second tier academic heads who are potentially likely to assume leadership roles in the future.
Purpose: To fulfill a long-perceived need of preparing senior faculty, such as Deans, Heads of Departments for future governance roles as leaders in academic institutions.
Expectations: To transfer the knowledge back to campuses in India. Please take copious notes, and be ready to share key take-aways with each other on the final day of the programme.
Output: Final reports will be written by each participant.
Positive and meaningful experience: We want your feedback. Please write down your goals at the beginning of the workshop, and submit the survey we will provide you on the last day of the workshop. Thank you!