Winter is a good time to review farm leases, and current information is critical to that process. That’s why our Farm Office team is offering its Ohio Farmland Leasing Update, a webinar on February 9, 2022 from 7 to 9 p.m. I’ll be joined for the webinar by co-speakers Barry Ward, Leader of Production Business Management for OSU Extension, and attorney Robert Moore.
On the legal side, we’ll share legal information to help parties deal with addressing conservation practices in a leasing situation, using leases in farmland succession planning, Ohio’s proposed new law about providing notice of termination, and ensuring legal enforceability of a lease. On the economic side, Barry Ward will provide a current economic outlook for Ohio row crops, research on cash rent markets for the Eastern Corn Belt, and rental market outlook fundamentals. We’ll also overview farmland leasing resources.
There is no fee for the webinar, but registration is necessary. Register at