Learn about Carbon Markets




BANR Public Meeting: Measuring and Verifying Agricultural Soil Carbon Sequestration 

Carbon-building practices on managed lands, tailored to individual soil types and environmental conditions, can produce rates of carbon accrual in soils ranging from 0.2-0.5 Mg C/ha/year over periods of 20-40 years. There is interest in incentivizing farmers to implement these practices as a way to address climate change and produce other environmental benefits. However, to advance the prospects for a soil carbon market, there is a need for consensus on standard methods for accurate and reliable accounting of net carbon sequestration and storage.

The public is invited to virtually join the Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources on December 6th, 2021 from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST and 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM EST for a two-part session on Measuring and Verifying Agricultural Soil Carbon Sequestration.

1) Measuring, Modelling, and Scaling Up Soil Carbon

Session One: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Eastern Time

  • Chuck Rice, Distinguished Professor of Soil Microbiology, Kansas State University
  • Bill Salas, Chief Strategy Officer, Regrow Ag
  • Bruno Basso, Foundation Endowed Professor of Earth and Environmental Studies, Michigan State University

2) Challenges in Applying Soil Carbon Measures to Soil Carbon Markets

Session Two: 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM Eastern Time

  • Brian McConkey, Chief Scientist, Viresco Solutions
  • Debbie Reed, Executive Director, Ecosystem Services Market Consortium
  • Jeff Seale, Director of Environmental Strategy and Climate Policy, Regrow Ag
Register Here


Still time to nominate someone for the Licking County Agricultural Hall of Fame

We are looking for the cream of the crop! Is there someone you know that has demonstrated life long exemplary service to their community and the industry of agriculture?  If so, we would like to hear their story.  This can be an individual or a couple.  Please complete the nomination form and return to the Licking County Extension office by December 31, 2021.  We are glad to help you through the process.  The application can be completed online and emailed to me or it can be completed and mailed.   Click on the following link for the application: Hall of Fame Nomination Form 11.13.19

Live Christmas Tree Selection and Care – short videos

Published on
butt trimming

Selecting the right Christmas Tree is important.


row of trees


tree standing

Watch video:



But proper care of that cut tree is VERY important to provide freshness and needle retention.

tree stand

Care of cut Christmas Trees – Watch Video:



Happy Christmas Tree shopping and care!

“Managing Oaks for Wildlife”

Learn about the overall importance of oak-dominated forests, how they benefit wildlife, assistance programs available to private woodland owners, and landscape-scale management planning.

ODNR Division of Forestry and partners are offering “Managing Oaks for Wildlife” on December 7 (6:30 to 8:30 pm) by Zoom.

For more information and to register visit:  https://u.osu.edu/apsley.1/2021/11/29/managing-oaks-for-wildlife-offered-on-december-7-by-zoom-630-to-830-pm/

2021 Central Ohio Weed Survey Results for Soybean Fields

Again this year I completed a survey of weeds in over 100 soybean fields throughout Licking County.  Our results were tallied with 4 other central Ohio counties to determine the weeds that were causing the biggest problems in soybean fields.  Again this year volunteer corn was a big one but it was overtaken by giant ragweed.  The chart below compares the results for 2021 with 2022.

Pesticide and Fertilizer Applicator Recertification – save the date

If you are due to renew your certification for private pesticide or fertilizer application, we are offering multiple opportunities in Licking County.

FEBRUARY 16, 2022 | 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Location: Ohio State University Extension Licking County, 771 E. Main Street, Newark, OH 43055

FEBRUARY 22, 2022 | 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM

MARCH 10, 2022       | 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Location: Second Presbyterian Church 42 E Church St, Newark, OH 43055

MARCH 2, 2022   Fertilizer ONLY | 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Location: Ohio State University Extension Licking County, 771 E. Main Street, Newark, OH 43055

Register by calling 740-670-5315.  A fee of $35 will be payable at the door and will include materials and food. Please Note: This fee is in addition to the $30 fee required by the Ohio Department of Agriculture. For those who are only attending the fertilizer section, the cost will be $10.

For more information, visit https://go.osu.edu/pesticide-fertilizer.