by: Chris Bruynis, OSU Extension Educator
It does not take long to figure out that planting 2022’s crop is going to be significantly more expensive that this past year. Between supply disruption, industry labor issues, and a host of other issues, inputs for the next crop are going to cost more. So this means farmers will need to make the best decision possible to protect profitability in 2022. You are invited to join a free virtual webinar series looking at critical decisions concerning where to invest technology dollars, fertility management, and best management practices for crops. Join us to learn from top industry, private sector, and university experts on issues important to farm profitability in 2022 and beyond.
Each webinar will open at 11:30 AM for participants to log in and check audio settings. The program will start at 11:45 AM and last until 1:00 PM. The agenda for the series is as follows:
January 5: Farming Technology: Where to Make the Next Investment
– John Fulton, OSU, Professor and Extension Specialist
January 19: Should Fertilizer Applications be Reduced?
– Steve Culman, OSU, Associate Professor, State Specialist Soil Fertility
February 2: ARC/PLC and Crop Insurance: Decision for 2022
– Chris Bruynis, OSU Associate Professor & Extension Educator
February 16: Good Crop Production Practices: Research Findings
– Laura Lindsey, OSU, Associate Professor, Soybean Specialist
– Osler Ortez, OSU, Assistant Professor, Corn Specialist
March 2: The Rational and Economics of Irrigation in Ohio
– Aaron Wilson, OSU Atmospheric Scientist
– Mark Ackerman, President, George F Ackerman Co.
March 16: Grain Marketing Outlook: Show me the Money
– Matt Roberts, Founder of The Kernmantle Group
Feel free to join one, or six of these session by registering at to get your name included. Additional Zoom invitations will be sent prior to each meeting to remind participants. Please RSVP by the end of December 2021. Question may be directed to or by calling OSU Extension Ross County at 740-702-3200.