Dave Apsley, OSU Extension Natural Resources Specialist, be presenting a webinar titled: Is it time to harvest your timber – How do you know?
There are many factors that you should consider when deciding if your timber is ready to harvest. Unfortunately, many woodland owners hastily make that decision when a prospective buyer knocks on their door. This webinar will focus mainly on the financial considerations of harvesting timber, but we’ll also explore the role of landowner objectives, invasive species, regeneration and other factors to contemplate before deciding to harvest your timber. We’ll wrap things up with a brief review of how to successfully conduct a timber harvest.This Forest Connect Webinar is hosted by Cornell University and will take place on Wednesday, May 15 at noon and again at 7 pm. If you are thinking about selling timber this may be worth your time. See Below for more information on how to register and attend.
- Read all these instructions.
- You need to register for each monthly webinar. There is unlimited space for participants, the ID simply provides you the necessary access. Obtain your registration ID via: https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_5IRFqn7oSYm5D-Vyqb8-3Q If prompted for a password use “Cornell”.
- The registration page prompts you for information if you want CEU credits. You must register and attend the webinar > 20 minutes if you want to receive documentation for CEU credits.
- After registration, you will receive the link to the webinar and a password. Your registration is valid for either the noon or 7 pm presentation. It should go without saying that you should retain that email.
- The registration email you receive provides the link you will use the day of the webinar.