Sophomore Year

With my second year at OSU in the books, I can now look back and see how things have changed since coming here. My intent when first coming to OSU was to go down the premed track and try to go to med school and in the meantime try to figure out what kind of doctor I want to be. Since then I have come to the loose conclusion that I no longer want to go to medical school and instead want to try to pursue a career in research. This choice comes from growing doubts and fears around the idea of medical school, as well as how much I enjoy my current position as a research intern at the Institute for Genomic Medicine at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. I hope that in the remainder of my undergraduate experience at OSU I can cement and refine this decision and put myself in the best possible position to achieve this goal.

Year in Review

I have evolved in two major ways. The first is that I have become more involved in many different areas. I have joined a few clubs and have completed volunteering. One of the great things about being in Biological Sciences Scholars is that there’s always volunteering options being presented to you that might otherwise be difficult to find on your own. Personally I have volunteered on the Community Commitment day and for volunteer projects held by members of the Scholars program. I have also become a much better student in the ways that I study. Like many people in Honors and Scholars I didn’t have to study much in high school to succeed. I have had to completely change how I study and also be more disciplined with myself in order to study appropriately for tests and exams now that I’m in college. Both of these changes have definitely been for the better and ill hopefully aid me in my future Successes at Ohio State.