An Update to About Me

Hello! My name is Lauren Laws and I am now a Sophomore at The Ohio State University. Currently, I have turned a 180 on my future career, and applied to the Fisher College of Business at the beginning of this year. As of yesterday, I was accepted into my first choice Major specialization of Marketing and hope to add a minor at the beginning of next semester. I still come from Cortland Ohio, and still support my choice, from the previous post, to choose OSU to “force myself out of my comfort zone”, because currently I am the most uncomfortable I have ever been.

After spending the summer searching for a major that sparked my interest, I ended up narrowing my search down to multiple broad majors. Upon moving into college early as an OWL-C and hugging my parents goodbye, I looked to my mother and remembered that I had yet to make a decision. Not surprised at my indecisiveness, my mom assured me that I still had a week before classes started and time to make a decision on my own. Throughout the next week, as others relished in their free time, I used it to find a career path. During the week of listening to the directors of the OWL program and watching them organize and perfect welcome week, I realized that I wanted to do just that. I wanted to lead a creative team, I wanted to organize projects, I wanted to observe and learn how to make events run smoother, and I wanted to evaluate needs and then provide for my consumers. By the end of the week, I had chosen to switch to a Marketing and Communication specialization.

Before the first day of classes, I had applied to the Fisher College of Business, and although I wouldn’t know of my acceptance for a while, I knew I had some catching up to do. I changed my whole schedule and met multiple times with an advisor, I joined the Undergraduate Business Women’s Association, and typed up a resume for the Fisher Career Fair. Not only was it my first career fair experience, but my first time interacting with people already in my field. Although I knew my experience was lacking, I knew there was still something to gain from talking to some of my favorite companies and learning of their opportunities. It provided me with an “out-of-comfort-zone ” feeling and really pushed me to start taking more opportunities that I found.

Ready for Fisher Career Fair

Although I’ve tried to attach myself to the business world, I still find myself intertwined with my STEM activities. Currently, I still serve as secretary for the Women in Math and Science club, and am still involved in my STEM Scholars group and work on the Leadership Committee as the Large Scale Even Coordinator. No matter how hard I’m trying to catch up in the business field, I don’t plan on dropping my strong STEM background. I believe a well-rounded student can be interested in communication, finance, and business ideas while still knowing and learning about chemistry, mathematics and engineering. As I look to add a minor, I hope to find something that can combine my interests and benefit me by standing out to future companies looking for someone with a background that no one else has. STEM is what I know, and pretty soon I hope to gather the equivalent amount of information from my major in Marketing. This year has already contained many fresh starts and changes for me and although I’m uncomfortable now, I can’t wait to dive more into my Sophomore year and gain some comfort in my new field.

As always, Go Bucks!


About Me

My name is Lauren Laws, and I am a first-year STEM EE Scholar studying biochemistry pre-med! I am from Cortland, Ohio, which is a small city about 2 hours and 45 minutes northeast of Columbus. I chose to attend The Ohio State University because I wanted to force myself out of my comfort zone, and experience a larger community. After graduating from Lakeview High School with a class of about 130 students, I knew that my dreams and academic goals needed somewhere larger to explore. During high school, while I was focusing on how to benefit my future with good grades and multiple extra-curriculars, it always bothered me that I never focused on how to spend my future. Although I knew most schools had undecided major options, I wasn’t a fan of walking into the unknown. So, after many family holidays, I decided to make an answer for the constant question asked about my plans for the future. I chose biochemistry. Unlike how it seems, it wasn’t just an educated guess. After careful consideration, I remembered my growing love for chemistry and math. After finding no interest in science for so long, I was shocked when my Junior year chemistry teacher had me raising my hand in class and explaining my answers on the board. For that reason, I took Chemistry for college credit during my Senior year, and solidified my plan for majoring in biochemistry.

When I visited the university in the fall of 2017, I was impressed by the science department and the possibilities that were offered especially the pre-professional track programs. I chose pre-med in order pave a path towards medical research of neurological diseases. I had been interested in research for that field because for the past five years, my grandmother had been a patient of dementia. However, in order to follow through with my goal, I know I will need to contribute hard work. Similar to my involvement during high school, I plan on involving myself at college in ways to benefit my future. Hopefully, I will learn more about undergraduate research opportunities and get to know professors who would be willing to let me research under their instruction to earn experience in the field. I also plan on volunteering with Buckeye’s Against Alzheimer’s to gain experience working with patients effected by a neurological disease. Lastly, I joined the Biochemistry and Chemistry Club, and I am excited to attend more meetings throughout the year to talk with professors and learn more from my biochemistry peers.

I chose to apply for the STEM EE Scholars program because I wanted be surrounded by those with similar interests and majors. Throughout the year, I plan to attend many STEM events, as well as collect volunteer hours to fully involve myself in the scholars program. While attending The Ohio State University, I hope to grow my social, professional, and study skills while learning more about who I want to be. The next four years will have a large impact on my life, but I am excited to pursue my education and work towards my future.