About Me

My name is Lauren Laws, and I am a first-year STEM EE Scholar studying biochemistry pre-med! I am from Cortland, Ohio, which is a small city about 2 hours and 45 minutes northeast of Columbus. I chose to attend The Ohio State University because I wanted to force myself out of my comfort zone, and experience a larger community. After graduating from Lakeview High School with a class of about 130 students, I knew that my dreams and academic goals needed somewhere larger to explore. During high school, while I was focusing on how to benefit my future with good grades and multiple extra-curriculars, it always bothered me that I never focused on how to spend my future. Although I knew most schools had undecided major options, I wasn’t a fan of walking into the unknown. So, after many family holidays, I decided to make an answer for the constant question asked about my plans for the future. I chose biochemistry. Unlike how it seems, it wasn’t just an educated guess. After careful consideration, I remembered my growing love for chemistry and math. After finding no interest in science for so long, I was shocked when my Junior year chemistry teacher had me raising my hand in class and explaining my answers on the board. For that reason, I took Chemistry for college credit during my Senior year, and solidified my plan for majoring in biochemistry.

When I visited the university in the fall of 2017, I was impressed by the science department and the possibilities that were offered especially the pre-professional track programs. I chose pre-med in order pave a path towards medical research of neurological diseases. I had been interested in research for that field because for the past five years, my grandmother had been a patient of dementia. However, in order to follow through with my goal, I know I will need to contribute hard work. Similar to my involvement during high school, I plan on involving myself at college in ways to benefit my future. Hopefully, I will learn more about undergraduate research opportunities and get to know professors who would be willing to let me research under their instruction to earn experience in the field. I also plan on volunteering with Buckeye’s Against Alzheimer’s to gain experience working with patients effected by a neurological disease. Lastly, I joined the Biochemistry and Chemistry Club, and I am excited to attend more meetings throughout the year to talk with professors and learn more from my biochemistry peers.

I chose to apply for the STEM EE Scholars program because I wanted be surrounded by those with similar interests and majors. Throughout the year, I plan to attend many STEM events, as well as collect volunteer hours to fully involve myself in the scholars program. While attending The Ohio State University, I hope to grow my social, professional, and study skills while learning more about who I want to be. The next four years will have a large impact on my life, but I am excited to pursue my education and work towards my future.


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