
Lawrence County 4-H Horse Crew

4-H Project Books are on sale in the county office, work with your advisor to place an order or contact our office.

Familiarize yourself with the Lawrence County 4-H Horse Rules, found at 2022 horse rules.pdf (

Each member must complete the Horse ID Form. The Horse ID Form must be complete by March 31st to continue your eligibility for exhibition! The form can be found here:  Online Survey Software | Qualtrics Survey Solutions If you need a paper copy, please contact our office.

Equistep Safety Training must also be completed to be eligible for exhibition.  There will be an in-person training option on Tuesday, March 29th at 6:00pm at Collins Career Center.  -OR- you can complete the training online. The online training can be found at: Once you complete online, you must submit a copy of your certification to: Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management. Training must be complete by May 1.

Lastly, we would like to invite you to an upcoming Back to the Basics 4-H Horse Clinic, please see flyer below:

Lawrence County 4-H News, March 2022

“4-H: What a Crew in 2022” 

Wow! It’s March 1st and the 4-H Club Member Enrollments are rolling in! Deadline to enroll for project exhibition at the county fair is March 15th. Each member and volunteer needs to enroll for the current 4-H year by visiting

4-H Enrollment Rosters: Enrollment rosters, as of 10:30am on 3/1, have been emailed to at least one club advisor. Please review and contact us if you have any questions. Please pay close attention to new members and reach out to them regarding upcoming club meetings and other club expectations. Please note, clubs must offer at least 6 club meetings and members must attend at least 5 meetings by July 1 for county and state fair eligibility.

Club Advisor Training: All 4-H volunteers need to complete their 4-H volunteer trainings. If you have not already done so, please complete the:

4-H Project Book Orders: Clubs submitting a project book order for their members should submit 2022 Ohio 4-H Project Books and Resources Volunteer Order Form to our office by April 1. Project books are usually available at our county office, or can be here within the week you order, if members are responsible for project book ordering – please contact our office prior to stopping by so we can check our inventory.

As you are enrolling in your project, we would like to remind you of a few things:

  1. If you have taken a general 4-H project, year after year, and the project is written as a 1 year project – we encourage you to try something new!
  2. Always be sure to check out the rules and expectations of your project before committing to a project.
    1. Lawrence County Junior Fair Livestock Rules
    2. 4-H Volunteer & Member Guidebook 

4-H Clover Clinics: The 4-H Committee is working hard to provide members with 4-H project clinics in many different project areas. So far, a Horse Clinic has been set for April 2nd at LCHA and a Nature Clinic with Wayne National Forest has been scheduled for June 7th at 5:00pm. We will update you as more dates are scheduled and plans are made.

Lawrence County 4-H Dog Obedience: The Dog Obedience courses, offered by Leslie Milleson, will begin Wednesday, March 30th, 6:00pm at the Extension Office. Dogs are not permitted at this first informative meeting, however – please complete 2022 Permission to Participate Form & 2022 Dog ID form and Vaccine Certificate

Lawrence County Livestock Quality Assurance: All livestock exhibitors must complete Quality Assurance by May 1st. Options can be found at: Lawrence County Fair | Lawrence (

We still have a few county-wide virtual options, there are quite a few 4-H Club advisors trained to offer in their club, and there is a YQCA online training option.

Lawrence County 4-H Horse Projects: All horse exhibitors must complete their Horse ID form, due March 31, and Equistep Training , due May 1.

Lawrence County 4-H Market Chicken Orders: All exhibitors planning to exhibit Market Chickens at the county fair must purchase their chickens through our office, order form can be found: 2022 Market Chicken Order Form

Lawrence County 4-H Scholarship Opportunities are available: We encourage graduating seniors and last year 4-H members to check out the 2 different scholarship opportunities available this year through Lawrence County: Lawrence County 4-H Scholarship Opportunities | Lawrence (

Canter’s Cave 4-H Camping Opportunities: 

  • May 31 – June 3: Adams, Brown, Lawrence, Meigs, Pike Beginner Camp (3rd – 5th grade)
  • June 11-12: Cloverbud Camp
  • June 12 – 15th: Adams, Brown, Lawrence, Meigs, Pike Jr. High Camp (6th – 8th grade)
  • June 24 – 27th: Canter’s Cave 4-H Teen Camp
  • June 29 – July 1: Canter’s Cave STEM Camp (5th – 7th grade)

More dates and camp scholarship application can be found at: 4-H Camp | Lawrence (

Please, please, please remember to take a look at our 4-H Volunteer & Member Guidebook & the Lawrence County Livestock Rules to help keep you and your 4-H friends up to date with all the Lawrence County 4-H happenings in 2022 and as always please let us know if you have any thoughts, questions, or concerns! We are here to help 🙂




Lawrence County 4-H News, February 2022

It’s starting to feel like 2022 4-H is here! I see regular posts of 4-H clubs meeting and it excites me for what’s to come this year! 4-H is about belonging, 4-H is about mastery, independence, and generosity. I hope each 4-H club offers these opportunities to help our members thrive!

Enroll today by visiting: All members and volunteers must be enrolled by March 15th for Lawrence County Fair participation and exhibition!

One way to help 4-H members succeed is to give them plenty of time to work on their 4-H project books: 

Orders are available at a discounted rate through our office, prices can be found on the club order form. The Extension Publication individual orders do not offer the discount, however you can get free shipping FREE22 on orders over $20.

Need help selecting a 4-H Project, check out the 2022 Ohio 4-H Family Guide

In-Person Volunteer Training Quickly Approaching: February 15th at SV Public Library

February 15th at Symmes Valley Public Library, located in the SV Elementary School, at 6:00pm 4-H volunteers are invited to complete their 4-H Volunteer Training requirement! If you have yet to complete your volunteer training and would prefer an in-person option, this is your opportunity! We will be covering Quality Assurance in Your Club, Finding Your Spark, Club Essentials, and Protecting Our Minors. Please RSVP by clicking RSVP now!

Other 4-H Volunteer Virtual Option Details can be found: 2022 Lawrence County 4-H Volunteer Training Requirements | Lawrence County 4-H (

4-H Volunteer Trainings must be completed by all volunteers by March 15th.

Ohio 4-H Volunteer Conference, March 12th is another great opportunity to learn and network with volunteers across the state, as well as complete the volunteer training requirement, for more details visit: Ohio 4-H Conference | Ohio 4-H Youth Development ( Deadline to register is February 11th.

Lawrence County 4-H Senior Scholarship Opportunities:

Graduating Seniors and/or  last year 4-H members are invited to apply for the following Scholarship Opportunities, visit the applications by clicking the titles below:

Deadline to apply is April 15, 2022

2022 Lawrence County 4-H Theme: All 4-H club volunteers and members are welcome to vote on the 2022 Lawrence County 4-H Theme: Vote here!  Voting ends February 14th.

Lawrence County 4-H Quality Assurance – Lawrence County 4-H youth planning to exhibit a livestock project at the 2022 Lawrence County Fair must complete Quality Assurance. Quality Assurance must be complete by May 1st to be eligible for Lawrence County Junior Fair exhibition. 

  • Lawrence County 4-H Virtual Quality Assurance Training
    • March 28, 7:30pm, ZOOM click QA registration to register for your space.
    • April 21, 7:30pm, ZOOM click QA registration to register for your space.
  • YQCA Online Training – on your own pace, in your own space by registering through Cost is $12.00 and youth must register for their Quality Assurance Age Option. The test-out option is not permitted for Ohio QA completion. Exhibitors must be enrolled in the system prior to yearly completion & complete between November 1, 2021 and May 1, 2022; certificates of completion must be sent to For more information on registration, visit YQCA Online Training
  • Quality Assurance Test-Out Option (12 years and older): Lawrence County 4-H Members who would like to take the Quality Assurance Test to test-out of QA training can test out February 28th, 3:00 -6:00pm at the Extension Office or call to set up an appointment by calling 740-533-4322 or emailing
  • Clubs may offer QA in their club, but must be trained at the February 15th volunteer training to offer it in their club. RSVP for the training by clicking RSVP now! 

Lawrence County Junior Fair Goat and Lamb Pens: A need for new goat and lamb pens at the county fair has been expressed. We are working with the Senior Fairboard to determine if we can make that happen – your input is requested, please take the Goat & Lamb Pen Survey

Lawrence County 4-H Resources: We know as 4-H families and volunteers there can be lots to keep up with, please make sure you are using our resources to help guide you along the way and always feel free to ask questions, give ideas, express concerns! We’re ready to listen and help!

By clicking: Lawrence County 4-H Volunteer & Member Guidebook  you can visit our resource we tried to create as a one stop shop for all your 4-H needs to help make your 4-H year and prep for exhibition successful!

By clicking:Lawrence County Junior Fair you can visit our junior fair tab where we post rules, Quality Assurance options, Skillathon Information, Club Beautification Sign Up and much more as it relates to Junior Fair.


A Few Snowy Day Lawrence County 4-H Reminders

Hello All:

Just wanted to send out a few quick reminders:

Applications Due February 1: Teens, 14 and up, interested in serving as a Camp Counselor need to submit their application by February 1st. Applications and more information can be found here: Online Survey Software | Qualtrics Survey Solutions

Volunteer Training Requirements: All volunteer training requirements and options can be found here: Lawrence County 4-H | “To Make The Best Better” ( Training will need to be completed by March 15th and before you can be accepted in the system. If you are one of the volunteers required to complete your BCI again this year, please go ahead and enroll so that you will be pending in the system. This makes it easier for OSU HR to find you and connect your BCI to your profile. If you or someone you know would like to become a 4-H volunteer, process information can be found here: Become a Lawrence County 4-H Volunteer | Lawrence (

4-H Member and Volunteer Enrollment: Due March 15th, enroll at Everyone must re-enroll each year.

Lawrence County 4-H Senior Scholarship is due April 15th. Applications can be found at: Online Survey Software | Qualtrics Survey Solutions

Lawrence County 4-H Volunteer & Member Guidebook: Don’t forget to check out the guidelines for the 2021-2022 4-H Year in our guidebook found – PowerPoint Presentation (

Lawrence County Junior Fair Rules & more Quality Assurance Options are available at: Lawrence County Fair | Lawrence (

If you have any questions, please call me at 740-533-4322 or email



2022 Lawrence County 4-H Volunteer Training Requirements

Hello on this snowy Friday,

As we are quickly approaching our busy club meeting season & enrollment deadline is just a little over two months away – I wanted to remind you of the volunteer training requirement this year.

Volunteers must complete a “4-H Hot Topic”, educational training and complete the Policy 1.50 online course. Policy 1.50 should be available by the end of this month and we have a few different remaining options for the “4-H Hot Topic” training. Options for “Hot Topic” training include:

  1. Lawrence County 4-H Volunteer Training Video. Volunteers may watch this 30ish minute “Hot Topic”” recording: The powerpoint shared in the video, with live web links, can be found here: Then, complete the survey shared at the end of the video presentation to receive credit for the required 2022 Volunteer Training. This option is great for those of you who prefer an online, on your own time, training opportunity.
  2. Ohio Valley 4-H EERA Virtual Training, Wednesday, January 26 at 6:30 p.m. Register at to get the ZOOM connection link. Educators, including me, will be sharing some helpful club resources and information and you will have the opportunity to connect with volunteers around the region.
  3. Lawrence County 4-H Volunteer Training, February 15th at 6:00pm. This meeting will be held in-person at the Symmes Valley library. This training will focus on offering Quality Assurance in your club. This training is required to allow 4-H members to complete QA in your club.  To rsvp visit:

Volunteer must attend one “Hot Topic” Training yearly.

Also, don’t forget – all volunteers must enroll at each year!

If you have any questions – please let me know.

Thank you all 🙂 Hope you have a great weekend!



The Start of the 2022 4-H Year in Lawrence County

The new 4-H year kicked off November 1st, 2021 and with that comes lots of exciting news:

  • 2022 4-H Enrollment: The system is open for enrollment. All new and returning volunteers and members need to enroll by March 15th.
    • When you enroll, you are committing to:
      • Attending 5 Club Meetings
      • Completing all requirements for your project/service. Member examples: Quality Assurance, Skillathon, Project Books & Judging, etc.
      • A Lawrence County 4-H Volunteer & Member Guidebook is coming soon, as a helpful resource for participation information & requirements.
  • Junior Fair Livestock Information, can be found here: Lawrence County Fair | Lawrence ( Information includes:
    • 2022 Livestock Rules & Regulations
    • 2022 Junior Fair Tag In Dates
      • Upcoming soon: Market Steer Tag-In, December 18th from 10:00am – 12:00pm
    • 2022 Quality Assurance Requirements & Training Opportunities
      • Upcoming Training Option Soon: December 27, 2:00pm, ZOOM, click QA registration to register for your space.
  • Volunteer Trainings: All volunteers are required to complete Policy 1.50 and one other Volunteer Training Competency. Policy 1.50 will be completed using the Canvas Course, like we did in 2021. Course registration will be available in January. The Volunteer Training Competencies will be offered via ZOOM & In-Person, volunteers only need to attend 1, in addition to completing the Policy 1.50 at your own pace through the canvas course.
  • 2021 Club Year End Documents
  • Community Service Opportunities
    • Adopt a Cemetery – Veteran Services is interested in partnering with 4-H clubs for Wreaths Across America in December and Flag Placements before Memorial Day. If your club is interested in Adopting A Cemetery – contact Tim Carpenter at 740-533-4327
    • Make-It, Give It – No Sew Blankets:  Ohio 4-H Foundation and JOANN Fabrics awarded us a community service grant, so we are seeking 4-H clubs and members interested in making a no-sew blanket and giving it to organizations serving youth this Holiday Season to make the blankets. We have plenty available at the Extension Office. Contact us to arrange for pick-up, 740-533-4322 or
  • 4-H Camp Dates have been released: 4-H Camp | Lawrence (
    • 4-H Camp Counselor applications will be available soon! Interested youth ages 14 and up, should apply!
  • 4-H Health Rocks We are excited to offer students ages 8-14 years of the age, the opportunity to participate in the 4-H Health Rocks! program. This program will provide opportunities for participants to build life skills, such as communication, coping and decision-making skills through work with trained adult and teen mentors regularly throughout the 2021-2022 program year. Participants will have opportunities to participate in camps, field trips and healthy living activities.The program will assign the youth to a group with a teen mentor.  That trained mentor will help engage youth in fun, hands-on learning opportunities designed to help youth build life skills which lead to healthy lifestyle choices related to tobacco, drug and alcohol use prevention. Participants in the 4-H Health Rocks! program do not have to be enrolled in 4-H; there is no fee to participate; and all materials and supplies will be provided. Participants will have an opportunity to complete a pre, mid and end of program study survey.  Participation in the 4-H Health Rocks! research study is optional. There is no penalty for declining this invitation to participate in the program or research study. The program will kickoff with an informal parental meeting on Monday, November 22nd at 5:30pm via ZOOM – at this time parents will learn more about the program and secure a mentee spot for their child, as we only have 25 spots! The program will run until July 31, 2022. To register for the informal parent meeting, please visit

Lawrence County 4-H News, July 2021

2021 Lawrence County 4-H Fair Theme

“Lawrence County 4-H Can Do Virtually Anything Together”

4-H Club Booths/Beautification Displays & Parade

4-H Club Booths will be given a 3 ft. table space from the floor up to display your club advisors, members, and activities/projects your club completed this year. All individual projects will be displayed on the tables and wall across from the 4-H Club Booths. Please follow project guidelines for individual projects. All guidelines can be found online at

Beautification Displays Upon arrival at the county fair, we would like all 4-H Beautification displays in their designated spot by 5:00pm on Sunday, July 11th. There will be a map on display in the 4-H building. Please add your location to the map to indicate its location on the fairgrounds to help with judging.

4-H Parade will be Sunday, July 11th, please be lined up and ready to go by noon at the Kroger parking lot. Line up as you arrive, making sure your club knows where to find you and file out when indicated by the escort. We will not be lining up by club name. Please make sure we have received your club info sheet for announcing, prior to the start of the parade.

Barn Meeting

There will not be a barn meeting this year at the Fairgrounds, we ask each of you to watch our Barn Meeting tips presented by our Lawrence County Junior Fairboard at

Beef Breeding & Market Feeder Check-In

Animals not brought in for the week will need to check in at the scales between 9-10am, showday, Wednesday, July 14th.

DUNF Forms

All market species will need to complete the Drug Use Notification Form by Sunday of the fair, by 6pm. These will be electronic this year, we will have computer access for families to complete.

**all Hog exhibitors will also need to complete their Ractopamine Free affadavit.

4-H Project – 1st Place 

All project exhibitors who receive 1st place in their judging throughout the week who wish to compete at the State Fair must notify the 4-H office by Friday, July 16th, 4-H Showcase. Failure to notify the office of your intent to compete at the state fair opens it up for 2nd place and beyond to register for the Lawrence County seat at state fair project judging in that project area.

4-H Showcase & Silent Auction

The Lawrence County 4-H Showcase, 2:00pm Friday July 16th, will highlight Skillathon Awards, 4-H Overall Project Awards, and the Style Show. During this time, our 4-H Project Silent Auction will be open. Many of our 1st 4-H Projects judged on Wednesday and Thursday of the fair will have the opportunity to sell their project through our 4-H Project Silent Auction. Bring a friend and come check out these winning projects and consider supporting their hard work through the silent auction

Club of the Day

We will not be requiring Clubs to sign up for a specific “Club of the Day” clean up because we are asking each of you to always leave the grounds better than you found it. If you see a mess, help clean it up! If advisors would like to organize a group effort, please feel free to do so!

Cloverbud Events

During the Lawrence County Fair, we are planning to have many different Cloverbud activities for your 5-8 year old members. All Cloverbud events and details can be found in our June newsletter, Lawrence County 4-H News, June 2021

Sweet Tooth Auction

The Lawrence County Junior Fairboard would like to invite you and your friends to the 20 Sweet Tooth Auction. The Sweet Tooth Auction is the primary fundraiser for the Junior Fairboard. The Junior Fairboard uses these funds to put on the cloverbud activities at the fair, engage in service learning opportunities, and giving back to the community. Please come support them on Tuesday, July 13th at 5:00pm at the Large Animal Barn prior to the Hog Show.

Skill-A-Thon Study Guides

Skill-A-Thon will take place in the 4-H Expo Center under the grandstand. Study guides can be found at Lawrence County 4-H Skillathon Study Guide.

Livestock Bowl

The Lawrence County Farm Bureau hosting a Livestock Bowl during the fair, teams will consist of 5 members within the junior or senior division. Teams can be made up of members from different clubs. Please see the attached fair schedule for details.

Livestock Sale Checks

Checks will be mailed to the 4-H member’s enrollment address. If this address has changed, the 4-H member needs to provide the Extension Office with proof of address change. Please remind all youth and parents to do so, prior to the fair. If the 4-H member needs to make arrangements to pick up their check, they must contact Leslie before doing so at her office. Checks will be mailed no earlier than August 1st.

Thank You’s

Market Livestock: Don’t forget to have all livestock youth create a Buyer Thank You Poster to hang above their pen for the week of the fair. All posters should thank their buyers from last year, if you have new livestock members have them create a welcome 2021 buyers or a thank you to previous buyers

All members: Many of our awards are sponsored by local businesses, please encourage your members to write thank you’s to the sponsors for the events they are participating in throughout the county fair.

Lawrence County Fair and Ohio 4-H Policies

As we come into fair time, it is important to remember a few of our Ohio 4-H and Fair Rules when it comes to show and sale etiquette and 4-H volunteer and member code of conduct, please share with your members and volunteers.

Code of Conduct

“4-H members, parents, and other adults participating in 4-H activities will:

  1. Adhere to program rules, curfews, dress codes, policies, and rules of the facility being used.
  2. Conduct themselves in a courteous, respectful manner, use appropriate language, exhibit good sportsmanship, and provide positive role models.
  3. Abstain from illegal behaviors, use of alcohol, illegal or illicit drugs, and tobacco during 4-H events and activities.
  4. Fully participate in scheduled activities.
  5. Respect other’s property and privacy rights.
  6. Abstain from child abuse (physical and/or verbal) and harassment.
  7. Accept personal responsibility for behavior including any financial damage.
  8. Be responsible for any financial damage caused by inappropriate behavior.
  9. Adhere to rules of safety.
  10. I will uphold and support the responsible and lawful use of social media. In so doing, I will not create or post social media content that is abusive, threatening, defamatory, obscene, harassing, or creates a hostile environment.

Consequences for violating any part of the code of conduct may include, but are not limited to: removal from participation in the event in which the code of conduct has been violated (at the individual’s expense); sanctions on participating in future 4-H events, forfeiture of financial support for the event, removal from offices held, etc. Behavior outside of 4-H activities can affect “member in good standing” or “volunteer in good standing” status.”


4-H & FFA Show & Sale Dress Code

  1. Lawrence County Fair dress code during show and sale consists of a clean dress. Anyone in the show/sale arena must wear boots or leather shoes at all times. Long pants with no holes are required when in the show/sale arena. No advertisements on clothing with the exception of 4-H or FFA Logos; but no identification of club or chapter permitted. Also shirts must NOT have any sayings that are inappropriate for ANY age of participants and spectators. Shirts must have shoulders, appropriate necklines, no cut-out arms, cover all undergarments and the shirt MUST meet the pants. Some examples of shirts not permitted are: midriff baring, spaghetti straps, arms cut out shirts and tube tops. No hats will be permitted in the show ring. All tattoos must be covered during show and sale. The use of cell phones, iPads, etc. are prohibited during show and sale. Failure to comply, may result in show/sale dismissal.

All 2019 Lawrence County 4-H Livestock Fair Rules, Schedule and more can be found at Lawrence County Fair

Fair Office Hours

Our office will be moving to the fairgrounds on Wednesday, July 7th. Therefore our office in the courthouse will be closed Wednesday, July 7th  thru the end of fair. Our office will reopen, July 19th. During the fair, our office is located under the fairgrounds. Our phones will be forwarded, so please call 740-533-4322; if needed and leave a message! We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Need More Information

Looking for more information or feel like we’re missing something, visit or to view our previous newsletters or contact our office at 740-533-4322, email or

Lawrence County 4-H News, June 2021

We are one month from Fair time! We hope everyone is enjoying their 4-H Club experience and working hard on their 4-H projects. As we begin preparing for the fair, we wanted to share some important updates regarding project judging and other events coming up:

Lawrence County Fair Theme: Lawrence County 4-H Can Do Virtually Anything Together

Rabbit Tag-In

June 12th, 8:00-10:00AM, Lawrence County Fairgrounds.

4-H Project Judging

Lawrence County 4-H Clothing & Food Projects, Judging: Tuesday, June 29th at 4:00pm, Register by June 11 at

Lawrence County 4-H Shooting Sports Projects, Judging: Sunday, July 11th at 2:00pm, Register by July 1 at

Lawrence County 4-H Natural Resources, STEM, Animal Science Projects, Judging: Wednesday, July 14th at 2:00pm, Register by July 1, at

Lawrence County 4-H About 4-H, Communication, Creative Arts, Home Living, Healthy Living, Leadership & Citizenship, Money Management & Self Determined Projects, Judging: Thursday, July 15th at 2:00pm, Register by July 1 at

For a full detailed project judging list, with a breakdown of project titles listed under each project area with date of judging, visit: Detailed Project Judging List 

There will be space in the 4-H project building to display your projects after your judging. Many of the 1st place projects are eligible to participate in our Silent Auction on Friday, July 16th. For information on what to bring to 4-H project judging and if your project is eligible for the silent auction view your project’s fact sheet here: Lawrence County 4-H Project Information | Lawrence (

Winners for each project will be announced at their 4-H project judging. Each 1st place will then be entered into the Overall 4-H Project Winner competition that will be announced at Friday’s 4-H Showcase, Friday, July 16th.

Ohio State Fair

Livestock Entries are due June 20th

All other projects: 1st place winners will receive information about the sate fair during their designated project judging.

4-H Project Clinics 

Nature Project Clinic, June 10th at 5:00pm, the Iron Furnace Shelter at Vesuvius

Cooking Project Clinic, June 17th at 1:00pm, reserve your spot by June 14 at:

Wood Working Project Clinic, June 21 at 5:30pm, reserve your spot by June 14 at

4-H Club Beatification Exhibits

Is your club interested in exhibiting a booth display, picnic table, trash can, flower pot, beautification display or participating in the parade? Complete this 2021 Beautification Sign Up Survey by July 1.

  • Club Booth Displays: Clubs may display a 3ft table space area of membership,
    community service, and club activities, etc. using a tri-fold/poster display. Clubs may use
    from the ground up in the 3 ft space( ½ table) for the display. Clubs are not limited to
    the table top. Cloverbud’s must be displayed within this space or in the project exhibit
    area of the building. Clubs must stay in designated area.
  • Picnic Tables – should be 6 ft. Picnic tables can be left at the fairgrounds or taken home
    after fair. We would like to use the picnic tables in and around the 4-H building for
    games and activities.
  • Trash cans should be at least 30 gallon or larger and can be left at the fair or taken back
  • Flower pots can be round or square and must be 20’’ in diameter or larger. Rectangle
    flower pots must be at least 20’’ in length or larger. All flower pots should be removed
    from the fairgrounds when all other exhibits are released from the fair.
  • Welcome beautification display should be a 6×6 area.

All booths and displays are dismissed the last Saturday of the fair.

Cloverbud Events

  • 4-H Cloverbud Fun Event on Monday, June 28th from 6:00-8:00pm at the Extension Office. We will be exploring many of the 4-H project areas. To help us plan, please register by June 21 at
  • Cloverbud Interviews/Rodeo/Carnival twice:
    • Monday, July 12th at 1:00pm
    • Tuesday, July 13th at 1:00pm

Cloverbuds can choose which day works best for their schedule. Volunteers will lead group rotations, Cloverbuds will start by signing up at the 4-H shelter.

  • Cloverbud Corner is a place to exhibit your ½ sized poster or small craft or item to display of your favorite 4-H club/community service activity. Please bring these with you to the Cloverbud interviews. Items can then be put in the Cloverbud Corner display after your interview for the remainder of the week.
  • Cloverbud Pet Potato Parade is scheduled for Thursday, July 15th, sign ups at 6:00pm in the 4-H shelther, parade at 6:30pm. Bring a decorated pet potato (cat, dog, cow, horse, lizard, snake, unicorn, etc). Be creative! Cloverbuds will be asked to introduce themselves and their pet during the parade.

2021 Lawrence County Fair Schedule

The 2021 Lawrence County 4-H & FFA Events Schedule can be found at 2021 Lawrence County Fair Schedule of Events (

A few items to note:

  • Skillathon will be offered multiple days, exhibitors of any specie can come on the date that works best for them to participate in the electronic skillathon.
  • Market Feeder, Beef Breeding, and Market Steer show has been moved to the same day, Wednesday, July 14th.
  • Lawrence County 4-H Horse Show has been scheduled for Friday, July 9th at 6:00pm at LCHA.

In place of our Barn Meeting, the Lawrence County Junior Fairboard has shared their Top 10 tips on a successful fair week, we encourage every 4-H member to take a minute to watch this video:

All rules can be found at: 2021 Junior Fair Rules and Regulations_0.pdf (

Fair Pageant Information

Fair Queen, Princess, and Little Miss Information can be found at Lawrence County Fair | Lawrence (

Pre-Fair Check-In

On July 1st, our office will be open 8:00 – 6:00pm to pick up your fair passes. Please bring a copy of your club roster with meeting attendance. Club members must attend 5 meetings and complete their 4-H project book to receive their fair pass.

Non-Livestock/Breeding Forms

If you are planning to exhibit a breeding or non-livestock project and have not yet submitted your Non-Livestock/Breeding Form please complete and submit to our office by July 1. 4-H Project Forms | Lawrence (

Buyer Invites & Thank Yous

Now is the perfect time to invite 4-H & FFA supporters to the county fair to watch our many events, as well as to our livestock sale on Saturday, July 17th. We also ask all 2019 exhibitors, to express thanks to their buyers by hanging a thank you poster above your pen. All 1st year exhibitors are ask to welcome or thank buyers! Posters are judged on originality, artistic ability and creativity.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 740-533-4322 or,

Lawrence County 4-H, June Deadlines Are Approaching Fast

June 1 is right around the corner and brings many 4-H deadlines!

  • The Lawrence County 4-H Horse Show scheduled for Friday, July 9th has a registration deadline of June 1. Show registration can be found at: Lawrence County 4-H Horse Show Registration We must have a minimum of 5 members, who have completed the required Equistep & Horse ID Forms, registered to continue with show planning.
  • The Lawrence County 4-H Non-Livestock & Breeding Forms are due to the Extension Office June 1. Forms, show schedule, and rules can be found at
  • The Lawrence County 4-H Committee has planned a few 4-H Project Clinics. We must have at least 5 registered to continue with the clinic planning.
  • 4-H Food & Clothing Project Judging is scheduled for Tuesday, June 29th more information and registration for interview can be found at 4-H Food & Clothing Project Judging. Registration deadline is June 11th
  • Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp 
  • Lawrence County Fair Market Rabbit Tattooing is scheduled for June 12th at the Small Animal Shelter of the Fairgrounds from 8:00 – 10:00am. All exhibitors who have completed QA and enrolled in the Market Rabbit project must bring their rabbits to this event to receive their fair ID.

I believe that covers all deadlines in June!

In other news, we will welcome back Paige Matney from maternity leave on June 1. Starting June 1, our office hours will be Monday – Friday, 8:00 – 4:30pm. We will be closed for Memorial Day!

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend. If you have any questions, please reach out to our office at 740-533-4322 or &

Lawrence 4-H News, May 2021

Hello –

With 4-H clinics, project judging, camps and the county fair inching closer, we have quite a few things to share. Please take a minute to read and share with your 4-H friends.

Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp, Camp Is Calling, We Must Go!

Each camp has its own registration deadline, please visit the individual links for more information. Beds are beginning to fill up, please do not wait until the last minute.

4-H Project Days

Thanks to the Lawrence County 4-H Committee and a few great guest presenters we are able to offer a couple 4-H project clinics this year for our popular 4-H project areas:

  • Nature Day, will be provided by Ashley with Wayne National Forest at the Iron Furnace Shelter House on June 10th at 5:00pm, to register visit Register for the event by June 1.
  • Cooking Clinic, will be provided by Heidi Clark with Spice of Life Catering, on June 17th at 1:00pm at Mamre Baptist Church, to register visit, register by June 14.

More information about these events were emailed directly to members enrolled in these projects. If you or someone you know is interested in attending, please contact me if you have any questions or need more information.

Market Chicken Pick Up 

4-H & FFA Market Chicken orders should ship on May 26th. We will contact each individual family once the chickens arrive at the Extension Office for pick up. All market chickens are expected to be picked up the day of arrival.

Non-Livestock Animal/Breeding Forms 

4-H & FFA members planning to exhibit a non-livestock animal/breeding project must complete their animal registration form by June 1. Each member was emailed and mailed a copy of the form and they can also be found at 4-H Project Forms | Lawrence ( All members planning to exhibit one of these projects must complete QA by May 15th.

Market Rabbit Tattooing 

4-H & FFA members planning to exhibit market rabbits at the county fair must bring their rabbits to the Lawrence County Fairgrounds from 8:00-10:00am on June 12th for rabbit tattooing.  All members planning to exhibit a market rabbit rabbit project must complete QA by May 15th.

Food/Cake Decorating and Clothing/Quilting 4-H Project Judging 

4-H & FFA members planning to be judged on their Food, Clothing, Cake Decorating or Quilting project need to register for their interview by visiting: 4-H project interview registration. Project judging for these projects will be Tuesday, June 29th. Members may also participate in their skillathon during this time.

Lawrence County Fair Pageant Information can be found at Lawrence County Fair | Lawrence (

Lawrence County Junior Fair Rules & Schedule can be found at: Lawrence County Fair | Lawrence (

Lawrence County 4-H Project Fact Sheets with Frequently Asked Questions can be found at: 4-H Project Forms | Lawrence (

If you have any questions, please reach out – 740-533-4322 or