Earth Day 2020

Today, I read through the most recent National Geographic for Kids magazine, inside there was a “Which Comeback Critter Are You?” personality quiz. After taking it and reading through the different critter personalities, I immediately thought I am surrounded by a pack of grey wolves. According to the quiz, grey wolves “love to talk about issues you are passionate about, just like gray wolves – sort of, they use their barks, whimpers, growls, and howls. And wolves are tough, able to thrive in hot deserts and cold mountains. Not much fazes you either. Challenges? Bring ‘em on”.

Lawrence County 4-H is full of “grey wolves”. Our volunteers, youth, and adults are resilient. So many are passionate – passionate about the future of our 4-H program, passionate about continuing to find new ways to fulfill our mission, passionate about providing service to our community, and much, much more. Lawrence County 4-H volunteers, like wolves, are tough, able to thrive in hot deserts and cold mountains. This unique time has proven our 4-H family is tough, through the highs and the lows, each of you have taken it in stride and come up with some great ideas to continue moving forward with the wolves attitude of “Challenges? Bring ‘em on”.

On average, a Lawrence County 4-H youth and adult volunteers will give over 100 hours of service each year. 4-H may have taken a 180 degree turn lately as we have begun our virtual outreach. But, our 4-H community has accepted the challenge. 4-H Clubs are participating in virtual activities together, 4-H volunteers are continuously providing insight and ideas, our teens are providing us with weekly motivation, and many 4-H families are providing service to our community.

So, you may wonder why the topic of National Geographic for Kids, Gray Wolves, and 4-H? Today, April 22nd, is Earth Day. Earth Day is a celebration of environmental protection. 4-H pledges to provide our hands to larger service & our health to better living. Earth Day gives a perfect opportunity for 4-H to showcase our passion, provide service, and accept a “…for my world” challenge.

Need some ideas? Go on a hike, plant a tree or a garden, pick up trash, recycle, set up a composting site, turn off the water while your brushing your teeth and lights when you leave a room, donate unwanted items.

Share your Earth Day activities in the comments.

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