Lawrence County 4-H Going Digital in 2020
We are trying something new, all documentation pertaining to the Lawrence County 4-H program will be digital for 2020. We will send out blasts of information and links through posts on our county website (, posts on our Ohio State – Lawrence County 4-H Facebook page (, and e-mailed out through the 4honline portal.
This process will begin January 6th with your 2020 Club packet, it will be available on our website, for a quick link visit If you are unsure you have the correct e-mail on file with us, please give us a call or email Paige at or message us on facebook! If digital doesn’t work for you, please contact our office so you can be placed on our mailing list or stop by our office to pick up any needed materials.
2020 4-H Calendar
We are excited to announce our 2020 4-H Calendar! Please look over and start holding your dates today. We don’t want you and your members to miss out on all the fun and exciting things our county 4-H program has to offer. Please visit
Market Steer Tag-In
Market Steer Tag-In will be Saturday, December 14th from 10:00am – 12:00pm at the fairgrounds. All 4-H members planning to exhibit a market steer at the 2020 Lawrence County Fair must bring their steer on a lead rope, broke to lead, to the Lawrence County Fairgrounds on day of tag-in to be eligible to exhibit at the county fair.
2020 Lawrence County 4-H Shooting Sports
If you have members interested in the Lawrence County 4-H 700 level shooting sports projects they must be 9 by January 1st and enrolled in the program by January 6th. For more information, please contact Lawrence County 4-H Shooting Sports Coordinator, Andrea Hairston, at 740-646-3433. Please leave a detailed message and she will get back with you! Members who enroll in 700 level projects after the January 6th deadline, will not be eligible to participate in training hours until Fall 2020.
2020 Quality Assurance
Since we have just completed the 3-year Quality Assurance, Good Production Practices, rotation through club trainings, we have decided to mandate all beginner 4-H members attend a county wide quality assurance this year. All members 8-12 years old, as of January 1, 2020, must attend the Beginner 4-H’er Quality Assurance training at Collins Career Center on April 6th. All other members are welcome to attend the county-wide training, receive training through their certified club volunteer, or test-out. Please see calendar for test-out dates! Club Quality Assurance teaching kits will be available for pick up March 1st for certified volunteers to check-out for their 13-18 year old member trainings.
2020 Lawrence County Junior Fairboard
The Lawrence County Junior Fairboard would like to invite new members, must be 14 as of January 1, to attend their kick-off meeting on January 7th, at 6:00pm at the Extension Office.
2020 4-H & Livestock Committee
Know a certified 4-H volunteer interested in being on the 4-H or Livestock Committee? Please call Rachael at 740-533-4322 for more information!
2020 4-H Horse Committee
Are you or someone you know interested in helping our Lawrence County 4-H Horse program grow? Please join us December, 3rd at 6:00pm at the Extension Office to begin planning and discussing our 4-H Horse Program for 2020.
2019 Charter/Financial Summary
Organizational Club Leaders, please remember your 2019 Club Charter and Financial Summary are due to the county office. Members and volunteer enrollment will not be accepted for your club until these forms are turned in. Forms were mailed to the organizational club leader, if you need a copy, please visit http://go.osu/lawco4hvolunteerresources .You may e-mail them to, fax to 740-533-4416, or mail to our office.
BCI Rescreening
OSU Policy “Keeping Our Minors Safe” requires all volunteers complete their BCI every 4 years. Those required to rescreen for 2020 should have received an informational packet with details. This must be completed by January 1. Also, all clubs must be trained yearly, on this policy The training date this year will be March 9th, 2020 at Collins Career Center.
New Volunteer Applications
If you know of someone interested in being a Lawrence County 4-H volunteer, please have them visit for the required application process. If you need a printed packet, please stop by our office or contact Paige at 740-533-4322 or
The website is now open for enrollment. If you are a returning member or volunteer, please do not create a new profile. If you do not know your log-in information, please contact our office.
Holiday Community Service
We are collecting personal hygiene products to be given as stocking stuffers to a local organization. If you would like to contribute, please turn items into our office by December 2nd.
2020 Ohio 4-H Family Guide
4-H youth looking for new project ideas can visit
for full project details. We also have copies available at the Extension Office.